AMSC 460 Computational Methods
Spring 2018
Course Description:
Basic computational methods for interpolation, least squares, approximation, numerical quadrature, numerical solution of nonlinear equations, systems of linear equations, and initial value problems for ordinary differential equations. Emphasis on the methods and their computational properties rather on their analytic aspects.
Instructor: Kayo Ide
Email:   ide at
Office at CSCAMM: CSIC 4127
    at AOSC: ATL  3403
Grader: TBA
Prerequisite/Corequisite and Credits:
(MATH 240 and 241) or (MATH 340 and 341); and (CMSC 106 or CMSC 131).
Homework assignment will include exercises using MATLAB; Familiarity with and accessibility to MATLAB are expected
Policy :
Academic Integrity
No late homework will be accepted without prior arrangement.
Late homework may be accepted with reduced points up to 2 times at reduced points
[Same day by 5pm - 70% ; Next day by 5pm - 30%]
Use of external references should be cited.
Students may study together and discuss problems in a general way to improve understanding, but they are
individually responsible for their homework. No copying is allowed.
Students with Disability
Students who require special examination conditions must register with the Office of the Disabled
Stidents Service (DSS).
Documentation must be provoded to me and discussed within the first week of classes.
Paper forms must be filled and provided before every exam.
Absence and Lateness from Official Reasons
Students must provide an official letter/paperwork and get approval by the instructor in one week advance for absense or lateness from official reasons.
Based on: In-Class Quizzes (TBA) + Homework Sets (TBA) + Exams (TBA)
Schedule: TBA
MATLAB Resources:
Access to MATLAB: Individual students are responsible for gaining the access to MATLAB
Using the univeristy computes that already have MATLAB
Student Edition of MATLAB available from UMD TERPware
Users guides
Tutorial at University of Maryland.
Introduction at University of Maryland.
Many other resources are available online.
Outline of the Course: (Tentative topic= Subject to change)
Computer Arithmetic and Errors
Linear Systems of Equations
Numerical Integration
Nonlinear System of Equations
Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
Linear Least Square Problems
Homework Sets: TBA
Matlab Exercises: TBA
Kayo Ide at UMD AMSC 460 Spring 2018