Sample Four-Year Plans

The plans on this page will allow you to graduate in four years. Each student's individualized plan will be laid out after careful collaboration with an academic advisor, as certain career aspirations will require different course selections. 

A word to the wise: THESE ARE SAMPLE PLANS ONLY! If you follow them, you will miss out on some of our very best courses, will take some too early, others too late, and might miss something you will wish you had taken! Please use the full requirements page for planning purposes!

This excel spreadsheet contains a list of the major requirements as well as two sample plans. The first assumes the student is prepared to take MATH 140, while the second begins with MATH 115. Both course plans satisfy the guidelines given by the American Meteorological Society for the B.S. degree in Atmospheric Science. If you intend to work for the federal government as a meteorologist or oceanographer, work with an academic advisor to select electives that satisfy the Federal Civil Service GS 1340 requirements for ‘meteorologist’, or the GS 1360 requirements for ‘oceanographer’.