Combined BS/MS Program FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions:


Why is this called a combined B.S./M.S. Program, and what if I do not complete the Masters degree requirements in the 5th year?

The program is structured in that it is possible to obtain both a Bachelors and Masters Degree within a 5 year period. However, we understand that some students could take longer to complete the MS requirements.


How will my application to the program be weighed against other applicants?

Students who maintain a 3.3 or above GPA and satisfy the undergraduate degree requirements will be given priority admission to the program.


How are tuition charges handled for these degrees?

Students in the B.S. program will be billed undergraduate rates regardless of the courses they are enrolled in. Graduate tuition rates will be charged while the student is in the M.S. program.


Do students receive funding while in the program?

Student support is not guaranteed for this program, although opportunities such as Teaching Assistantships may be available depending on Department need and the qualifications of individual students. Some students may be hired directly by research advisors (hourly).


Can some courses be used to satisfy both degrees?

Yes, 9 credit hours of course work can be applied to both the B.S. and M.S. degrees. There are a selection of courses that can be used to fulfill both degree requirements.


When will I receive my Bachelor’s degree?

This program is structured such that students receive their B.S. degree at the end of their 4th year, regular University graduation deadlines apply.


If I do not complete the requirements for the MS program does that mean I do not receive my bachelor’s degree?

Students who do not finish the M.S. may still receive their bachelor’s degree upon successful completion of the B.S. degree requirements.


I recently transferred to AOSC from another school or department. Can I still enter this program?

Depending on the course work you have taken prior to enrolling in AOSC you may still qualify for the combined B.S./M.S. program.


What are the advantages to the combined B.S/M.S. program?

· Students have the opportunity to strengthen their skills in preparation for competitive Ph.D. programs with an upper level degree.

· Due to the two‐year research requirement, students will be prepared and at an advantage for employment positions at local agencies.

· The program is cost‐effective in that 9 graduate level credits are reflected at the undergraduate rate, and 9 less credits total are required, thus saving time and funds.