AOSC student seminars are held on Tuesdays at 3:30 PM in Room ATL3400 or online. Third-year students and above are required to give a seminar at least once a year. These seminars provide a great opportunity to see what your fellow grad students are up to, as well as provide a small, comfortable environment for those speaking to hone their presentation skills. To take any seminar spot still available please send an email to Igor Uchoa Farias and Ben Woods.
Guidelines for the seminars:
An abstract of less than 50 words to be submitted 1 week before the seminar
Time of seminar to not exceed 30 min
5 minute introduction, 15-20 min on major results, 5 min questions/discussion
Suggested total of 20-25 slides
Only need to highlight 2-3 major (take home) achievements
Audience is not expected to stay if not finished after 30 min