Atmospheric Chemistry Brown Bag Talks

Atlantic Building, Room 3400 (Library)

12 p.m. Fridays (unless specified below)

For more information, contact Dale Allen at or 301-405-7629.


13 March

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Victor Yakovenko, 03/13/2025

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Victor Yakovenko

Dept. of Physics, UMD


Title: The Mathematics of Human Population Growth and CO2 Emissions


Contact: Ross Salawitch


17 April

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Henrique M. J. Barbosa, 04/17/2025

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Henrique M. J. Barbosa

Dept. of Physics, UMBC


Title: TBA


Contact: Natalia Roldan


24 April

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Qiang Fu, 04/24/2025

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Qiang Fu

University of Washington


Title: TBA


Contact: Zhanqing Li


08 May

AOSC Senior Research Symposium, 05/08/2025

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Senior Research Symposium

AOSC Students


Contact: Alexandra Jones