Atmospheric Chemistry Brown Bag Talks

Atlantic Building, Room 3400 (Library)

12 p.m. Fridays (unless specified below)

For more information, contact Dale Allen at or 301-405-7629.


12 September

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Ming Cai, 9/12/2024

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Ming Cai

Florida State University


Title: A New Paradigm for Principles-Based Adept Predictions of Global Warming from Climate Mean States


Contact: Da-Lin Zhang


19 September

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Scot Miller, 9/19/2024

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Scot Miller

Johns Hopkins University


Title: TBA


Contact: Ning Zeng


26 September

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Jun Wang, 9/26/2024

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Jun Wang



Title: TBA


Contact: Maria Molina


03 October

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Emma Knowland, 10/3/2024

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Emma Knowland

NASA GSFC/Morgan State University


Title: NASA's High-Resolution GEOS Forecasting and Reanalysis Products: A unified Tool from Local to Global Scales


Contact: Allison Ring


10 October

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Isabela A Le Bras, 10/10/2024

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Isabela A Le Bras



Title: TBA


Contact: Sinead Farrell


17 October

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Rebecca Beadling, 10/17/2024

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Rebecca Beadling

Temple University


Title: TBA


Contact: Maria Molina


24 October

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Gaige Kerr, 10/24/2024

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Gaige Kerr

George Washington University


Title: TBA


Contact: Ross Salawitch


31 October

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Richard Cullather, 10/31/2024

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Richard Cullather



Title: TBA


Contact: Jim Carton


07 November

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Sen Chiao, 11/7/2024

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Sen Chiao

Howard University and NOAA Cooperative Science Center in Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology


Title: TBA


Contact: Kayo Ide


14 November

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Rong Fu, 11/14/2024

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Rong Fu



Title: TBA


Contact: Zhanqing Li


21 November

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Adam Sobel, 11/21/2024

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

Adam Sobel

Columbia University


Title: TBA


Contact: Maria Molina


05 December

AOSC Seminar by AOSC Undergrads, 12/5/2024

3:30 p.m.
Atlantic Building Room 2400 & Zoom

AOSC Seminar

AOSC Undergrad Seniors



Contact: Tim Canty