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3:30 p.m.

AOSC Seminar by Dr. Annalisa Bracco, 2/18/2021

AOSC Seminar

Dr. Annalisa Bracco


Georgia Tech

Title: Multiscale interactions in the Labrador Sea: submesoscale modulation of deep water formation



Submesoscale structures fill the ocean surface, and recent numerical simulations and indirect observations suggest that they may extend to the ocean interior. It remains unclear, however, how far-reaching their impact may be, from weather to climate scales. In this talk I will discuss the transport pathways and the ultimate fate of the Irminger Current water from the continental slope to the Labrador Sea interior using regional ocean simulations. Submesoscale processes modulate this transport and in turn the stratification of the Labrador Sea interior, by controlling the characteristics of the coherent vortices formed along West Greenland. Submesoscale circulations modify and control the Labrador Sea contribution to the global meridional overturning, with a linear relationship describing the time-averaged near surface vorticity and/or frontogenetic tendency along the west coast of Greenland, and the volume of convected water. This research puts into contest the lesser role of the Labrador Sea in the overall control of the state of the MOC argued through the analysis ofrecent OSNAP (Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program) data with respect to estimates from climate models. It also confirms that submesoscale turbulence scales-up to climate relevance.



Annalisa Bracco is a professor in the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech.  She is a physical oceanographer and her group’ research focuses on understanding the role of the ocean circulation in transporting and mixing tracers. She is interested in linking physical processes to climate variability, biodiversity and evolution by combining basic and applied sciences with innovative modeling tools, data mining and dynamical systems theory.  She has authored over 80 peer-reviewed publications and received the AMS 2011 Nicholas Fofonoff Award for contributions to understanding mesoscale ocean dynamics, geostrophic turbulence, and tropical dynamics, and their coupling with marine ecosystems.


Contact: Jacob Wenegrat

AOSC Seminar

Pre-seminar refreshment: N/A
Seminar: 3:30-4:30pm, Zoom
Meet-the-Speaker: 4:30-5:00pm, Zoom [For AOSC Students only]

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