AOSC Committees



Below is a list of the AOSC Department Committees. Click the title to expand for more information. 

A. Jones (Chair), A. Ruiz-Barradas, L. Rodeo

AOSC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee Information


  • Discuss and evaluate ideas for improving AOSC as a more welcoming place for all: undergraduate and graduate students, staff, and faculty.
  • Work with Chair and department to implement ideas
  • Pursue diversity and inclusivity initiatives


R. Dickerson (Chair), G. Cooper


  • Evaluate requests for Advancement, Promotion, and Tenure (including emeritus requests) in AOSC. 
  • Create APT subcommittees and oversee the promotion process
  • Organizes/supervise the AOSC APT votes. 
  • Create faculty search committees, in consultation with the Chair.


Charge to the APT subcommittees:

  • Compile dossiers in accordance with University and CMNS regulations  
  • Draft objective report-Summary of Professional Achievements- in conjunction with the candidate. 
  • Ensure that all necessary elements of dossier have been compiled
  • Propose list of appropriate external evaluators, with feedback from CMNS
  • Draft Department APT report and other related documents.   


Charge to the Search Committees: 

  • Advertise for and recruit outstanding candidates for faculty and staff positions within the Department. 
  • Recommend candidates that will enhance the academic and scientific standing of AOSC
  • Seek candidates that will enhance the diversity in AOSC
  • Solicit feedback on search candidates from all areas of the department: Faculty, Students, Staff
  • Present findings and recommendations to faculty and Chair. 



R. Pinker (Chair)

  • Represent the Department on the CMNS APT committee.

R. Salawitch (Chair), Z. Li, W. Lau


  • Organize the submission of faculty nominations to national and international awards. 
  • Meet at least once a semester to plan strategy. 
  • Make recommendations for Departmental, foundation, and other awards. 
  • Proactively identify and submit recommendations/nominations for appropriate awards outside of the department and/or university: Faculty, students, staff

K. Ide


  • Enhance the campus fluid dynamics program.  
  • Coordinate with the Burgers Program to advance fluid dynamics as interdisciplinary science and technology
  • Recruit new faculty and students with expertise in these areas. 


J. Henrikson (Chair), W. Tribett, J. McCurry


  • Evaluate the state of computational facilities in the department and recommend enhancements.
  • Interface with HPC Committee Chair when developing recommendations for high-performance computing.
  • Develop policies for an equitable allocation of computer resources among faculty, staff, and students, and among various buildings occupied by AOSC personnel.
  • Refine the algorithm for a legal and equitable allocation of charges for computer use in AOSC and to support staff.


High Performance Computing (HPC)       

K. Ide


  • Manage the AOSC DT2 allocation. 
  • Approve new users 
  • Coordinate with teaching committees to develop instruction in multi-processing techniques and its inclusion in pertinent courses
  • Make recommendations for improvement to AOSC’s HPC capabilities

J. Sherer (Chair)


  • Track maintenance and renovation work on AOSC facilities and keep department informed. 
  • Evaluate current allocation of office space, lab space, and other facilities and make assignments as necessary consistent with the AOSC space policy. 
  • Collaborate with the graduate student association on the assignment of student office space.  
  • Coordinate space with corresponding ESSIC committee. 
  • Pursue material and financial support to enhance space and facilities, from both outside sources and within the University.

R. Salawitch

  • Represent AOSC in Faculty Senate
  • Attend Senate meetings and report back relevant information/updates to the department

S. Nigam, J. Poterjoy

Below is a list of the AOSC Acedemic Committees. Click the title to expand for more information. 

T. Canty, A. Jones, G. Cooper


  • Direct the undergraduate program. 
  • Implement policy decisions made by the faculty. 
  • Act on student petitions and resolve disputes. 
  • Ensure that degree requirements are fulfilled in a timely fashion. 
  • Represent the program in College and University committees. 
  • Survey and maintain database of undergraduate students.
  • Respond to queries about undergraduate studies in atmospheric and oceanic science. 
  • Meet once a semester with the Chair to review the undergraduate program, including quality of life, course syllabi, admissions and recruitment, etc.

T. Canty (Co-Chair), A. Jones (Co-Chair), S. Farrell, J. Poterjoy, C. Kropiewnicki, S. Smith, G. Cooper


  • Review and update the content and catalog description of all AOSC undergraduate courses.
  • Advise on course textbook choices as needed
  • Review the undergraduate curriculum and the delivery of undergraduate courses
  • Consult with Faculty as new undergraduate courses are formulated to ensure the content and delivery follow College and University guidelines, as well as fulfilling departmental curriculum needs.
  • Schedule classroom visits: 1 visit per course by 1-2 committee members.  This should be followed with a report for AOSC files and constructive feedback to instructor.  Priority should be given to courses taught by new instructors or faculty eligible for promotion.
  • Pursue increased course offerings for undergraduate students that address more varied topical issues and explore interdepartmental collaborations.

J. Carton (Chair), D. Zhang, A. Thompson, A. Jones, L. Rodio, G. Cooper


  • Review and update the content and catalog description of all AOSC graduate courses.
  • Review and make recommendations regarding CORE course content
  • Advise on course textbook choices as needed
  • Schedule classroom visits: 1 visit per course by 1-2 committee members.  This should be followed with a report for AOSC files and constructive feedback to instructor.  Priority should be given to courses taught by new instructors or faculty eligible for promotion.
  • Meet with the graduate students at least once per year to solicit feedback on teaching and course content
  • Recommend ways to boost enrollment in graduate classes.  i.e.: how often to offer, electives that can attract more students, how to collaborate with other departments, etc.

J. Poterjoy (Chair), J. Wenegrat, H. Daley, E. Buckley, T. Hendershot


  • Respond to queries and requests for information about the graduate program
  • Screen graduate applicants and recommend top candidates for admission. 
  • Assign academic and research advisors to prospective graduate students, based on research interests. 
  • Coordinate with Graduate Program Manager to determine the available funding and how to best to disperse to candidates.  This includes Fellowships, TA positions and other AOSC controlled funding.
  • Recruit applicants, with an emphasis on academic excellence, potential for scientific productivity and diversity within the student body. 

X. Liang (Chair), D. Zhang, Z. Li, T. Hendershot


  • Solicit oral comp exam topics from faculty and coordinate with Graduate Manager to facilitate timely distribution
  • Establish 5 person committees for each student participating in comp exams: 4 faculty and 1 advisor
  • Organize meetings of faculty to evaluate results as needed. 
  • Report exam results, in writing, to Chair, faculty, and Graduate Program Manager for the record, draft Chair’s letters to students. 
  • Periodically review department exam policy and propose updates as necessary to make more efficient and evaluative.Solicit feedback from students and faculty.
  • Grad: Graduate Director, Admissions Chair, AOSC Chair; T. Hendershot
  • UG: UG Program Directors, AOSC Chair; G. Cooper        

M. Molina (Chair), Z. Li, K. Pickering, J. Perez Carrasquilla


  • Invite speakers to present weekly seminar, with an emphasis on exceptional research, varied subjects of interest, and diversity. 
  • Distribute seminar information through an email list that includes students, faculty, institutions and laboratories of the Washington/Baltimore area, and alumni. 
  • Arrange for travel and lunch for speakers- as possible (a small budget will be provided). 
  • Maintain the seminar website, keeping all seminar information up to date.

A. Ring (Chair), W. Tribett, C. Martin, K. Eure, K. Dougherty


  • Track alumni and maintain an updated directory. 
  • Facilitate alumni connections to the department: events, seminars, Facebook pages, newsletters, etc.
  • Help organize AOSC alumni events at AMS and AGU annual meetings