Maryland Day 2022

AOSC student and faculty volunteers interact with the community on Maryland Day 2022. An estimated 65,000 alums, families, students and members of the community at large turned out for the event. AOSC demonstrations included live weather observations from a tethered balloon, measuring the impact of moisture, color and material on surface temperatures, "tornados" in a bottle, and carbon sequestration.

tornado in a bottle demonstrations at Maryland DayStudent volunteer at the AOSC Maryland Day tent



Tim Canty speaking to visitors to the AOSC Maryland Day tentTim Canty speaking to visitors to the AOSC Maryland Day tent



Students and visitors around a table at Maryland dayNing Zeng speaking to a visitor with a log on a table



Ning Zeng speaking to a visitor with a log on a tableAOSC's Maryland Day tent


AOSC's Maryland Day tent with visitors standing around