Headshot of Kenneth Crager
Contact Info
Kenneth Crager
Graduate Student
Ph.D. Advisor: James Carton (current)

I am an Operations Analyst Researcher at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, specializing in environmental and spatiotemporal analyses. I am drawn to extreme environments and extreme conditions, and learning how everything is connected. I leverage my experiences as a former Naval Oceanographer, conducting research and analysis on the operationalization of the environment: How does it impact humans, society, and technology, and what can we do about it? How can we adapt? I also lead diverse teams of engineers and scientists in a variety of analytical efforts.

Research Papers/Presentations/Posters:

  • AGU 2021: Poster, Spatiotemporal Analysis of Select Parameters of Greenland’s Climate. (16 Dec 2021)
  • AMS 2021: Presenting Author, Early NOAA Observing System Integrated Analysis (NOSIA) Refresh Insights of Weather Forecaster Usage/Preferences of GOES-R ABI Channels and Products. For Riverside Technology Inc., supporting NOAA/NESDIS/TPIO. Co-Authors: David Helms, NOAA; Sabrina Taijeron, Riverside Technology Inc.; Louis Cantrell, Profitable Weather, LLC; Lewis McCulloch, Lewis McCulloch Consulting; Tzunami Santiago, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez. (14 Jan 2021)
    • Presenting Author, Surveying National Weather Service (NWS)
      Decision Support—What is Important? How Can We Do Better? For Riverside
      Technology Inc., supporting NOAA/NESDIS/TPIO. Co-Authors: David Helms,
      NOAA; Richard Bandy, NOAA; Sabrina Taijeron, Riverside Technology Inc.;
      Lewis McCulloch, Lewis McCulloch Consulting. (13 Jan 2021)
  • AGU 2020: Presenting Author, Early NOAA Observing System Integrated Analysis (NOSIA) Refresh Insights of Weather Forecaster Usage/Preferences of GOES-R ABI Channels and Products. For Riverside Technology Inc., supporting NOAA/NESDIS/TPIO. Co-Authors: David Helms, NOAA; Sabrina Taijeron, Riverside Technology Inc.; Louis Cantrell, Profitable Weather, LLC; Lewis McCulloch, Lewis McCulloch Consulting; Tzunami Santiago, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez. (15 Dec 2020)

Professional Experience

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory - Laurel, MD                                       2021 - present
Operations Analysis Research

Riverside Technology Inc., supporting NOAA/NESDIS TPIO - Silver Spring, MD                     2020 - 2021
Decision Analyst

United States Navy

Surface Warfare Officer, Naval Oceanographer                                                                              2010 - 2020 (active duty) 

Division Officer; Team Lead & Liaison Officer; Deputy Fleet Oceanographer                                2020 - 2023 (reserve duty) 

Officer in Charge; Reserve Department Head; Reserve Deputy Force Oceanographer


MGIS, Pennsylvania State University

B.S., Oceanography, United States Naval Academy



  • Traveling with my husband, Husain
  • Trying new food and drinks, especially in new countries
  • Playing with my dog, Freddie Mercury
  • Video games
  • Reading