I am studying data assimilation for numerical weather prediction. Specifically, I am researching localized particle filters and their utility for non-Gaussian and non-linear data assimilation problems. Additionally, I am researching the possibility of an hourly updated GFS. Previously, I have studied orographic precipitation, PM2.5 air pollution sensors, and clear sky satellite radiance measurements.
Research Papers/Presentations/Posters:
AMS 2024:
Major, D.J., D.K. Miller, O.P. Prat, B.R. Nelson, V. Petkovic, M. Arulraj, and R.R. Ferraro, 2024: Generation and validation of high resolution QPEs in the Pigeon River Basin. 104th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, January 28- Feb 1, 2024.
Major, D.J., J.L. Matthews, L. Shi, and Y. Rao, 2024: Evaluating long-term HIRS-based near surface marine air temperature dataset. 104th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, January 28- Feb 1, 2024.
AGU 2023:
Major, D.J., D.K. Miller, O.P. Prat, B.R. Nelson, V. Petkovic, M. Arulraj, and R.R. Ferraro, 2023: Comparisons of IMERG quantitative precipitation estimates with rain gauges in the southern Appalachian Mountains. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 11-15, 2023.
Major, D.J., J.L. Matthews., L. Shi, and Y. Rao, 2024: Evaluating long-term HIRS-based near surface marine air temperature dataset. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 11-15, 2023.
Major, D.J. and E Couzo, 2023: Correction factors for Raspberry Pi-based low-cost PM2.5 sensors in western North Carolina. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 11-15, 2023.
Running (way too much)