Contact Info
Xinzhou Huang
Research Papers/Presentations/Posters:
- Huang, X. Yang, K.2022."Algorithm theoretical basis for ozone and sulfur dioxide retrievals from DISCOVR EPIC" Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (15) 20.pp.5877-5915
- Huang, X. Yang, L. AGU 2022: DISCOVER EPIC Measurements of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) from Recent Volcanic Eruptions (12/2022) - AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. A51C-01
- X Huang, K Yang, S Kondragunta, Z Wei, L Valin, J Szykman, M Goldberg. 2022."NO2 retrievals from NOAA-10 OMPS: Algorithm evaluation, and observations of drastic changes during COVID-19" Atmospheric Environment (290). pp 119367.
- X Huang, K Yang, S Kondragunta, L Valin, J Szykman. AGU 2022: "Validation of NO2 product from NOAA-20 OMPS with Pandora and OMI/TROPOMI observations" (12/2022) - AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, A32F-1475.