Past Seminars

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March 27, 2025

AOSC Seminar
[ Abstract ] [ No Recording ]
Contact: TBA

March 13, 2025

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Victor Yakovenko
Dept. of Physics, UMD 
The Mathematics of Human Population Growth and CO2 Emissions
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch


February 27, 2025

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Xiaojing Du
George Mason University
[ Abstract ] [ No Recording ]
Contact: Michael Evans

February 20, 2025

AOSC Seminar
Drs. John A. Callahan and Analise Keeney
Coastal Hazards Branch, NOAA National Ocean Service / University of Delaware
NOAA’s Coastal Ocean ReAnalysis (CORA): High Resolution Observation-based Mapping of inundation along US Coasts
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ] [ Slides ]
Contact: Maria Molina


February 13, 2025

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Steven J. Smith
Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI)
The History and Future of the Atmosphere: Historical Emissions Data and CMIP7
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Tim Canty

February 6, 2025

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Xiao Luo
NOAA EMC / University of Hawaii
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina



November 21, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Adam Sobel
Columbia University 
Doing usable climate risk science in academia
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina

November 14, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Zhibo Zhang
Using both shortwave and longwave remote sensing techniques to understand the properties and radiative effects of dust aerosols
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li


November 7, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Sen Chiao
Howard University and NOAA
Howard University Graduate Program in Atmospheric Science and NOAA Center for Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology: Challenges, Priorities, and Opportunities
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Kayo Ide

October 31, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Lauren Andrews
NASA's High-Resolution GEOS Forecasting and Reanalysis Products: A unified Tool from Local to Global Scales
[ No Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jim Carton


October 24, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Gaige Kerr
George Washington University
Air pollution inequity in the United States: The view from space
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Allison Ring

October 17, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Rebecca Beadling
Temple University
Remote consequences of processes operating at the Antarctic margin
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina


October 10, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ashton Robinson Cook
My experiences as a meteorologist in two national weather forecasting centers
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina

October 3, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Emma Knowland
NASA GSFC / Morgan State University
NASA's High-Resolution GEOS Forecasting and Reanalysis Products: A unified Tool from Local to Global Scales
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Allison Ring


September 26, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Edward Strobach
Exploring Complex Relationships Between Meteorology and Air Quality in Urban Environments
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson


September 19, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Scot Miller
Johns Hopkins University
Three case studies in greenhouse gas emissions – new insights provided by an expanded atmospheric observing network.
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ning Zeng



September 12, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ming Cai
Florida State University
A New Paradigm for Principles-Based Adept Predictions of Global Warming from Climate Mean States
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Da-Lin Zhang

September 5, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Veljko Petkovic
Emulating Passive Microwave Satellite Products: Information Content and Uncertainties
[ Abstract ] [ No Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina


August 29, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Tianle Yuan
Curious Connections Among Aerosols, Clouds, and Dynamics
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

May 9, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Jadwiga (Yaga) Richter
Earth System Predictability Across Timescales for Climate Resilience
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina


April 25, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Peggy McNeal
Towson University
Advances in Atmospheric Science Education Research (ASER): A Look at the Role of Cognition in Learning Meteorology
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Gillian Felton

April 18, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Huan Liu
Tsinghua University (Visiting Professor at Harvard)
Addressing Transportation Emissions: From Local Pollutions to Global Challenges
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li


April 11, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Leon Chafik
Stockholm University
The Northern Ocean Conveyor Belt: New Perspectives and Future Challenges
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jim Carton

April 4, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Astrid Pacini
UW Applied Physics Laboratory
Structure, variability, and dynamics of the West Greenland boundary current system
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jim Carton


March 28, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Madeleine Youngs
The Southern Ocean Circulation and Climate: The Localizing Effect of Topography
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jim Carton

March 14, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Spencer Jones
Texas A&M University
Ocean heat transport by AMOC and gyres
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jim Carton


March 7, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Dan Anderson & Dr. Julie Nicely
Towards constraints on the tropospheric oxidizing capacity: the role of models, machine learning, and satellite observations
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch

February 29, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ben Zaitchik
Johns Hopkins University
Studies in climate impacts: process, propagation, and preparedness
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson


February 22, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Rita Colwell

Predicting pandemics: What cholera has taught us about COVID-19

[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina

February 15, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Chia-Ying Lee
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University

Climate change impact on the tropical Pacific and global tropical cyclones
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina


February 8, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Zhanqing Li
Climate Change, Air Pollution and Public Heath: Millennial Concerns Connected via Aerosols through Intertwined Relationships

[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina

January 25, 2024

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ning Zeng
Wood vault: Burying woody biomass to fight climate change---a simple idea that actually works
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina




November 30, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Aaron Pina
US Forest Service
Atmospheric sciences and fire weather research at the US Forest Service
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Allison Ring


November 16, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Daniel Hodyss
Naval Research Laboratory
An Introduction to Ionospheric Data Assimilation

[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jonathan Poterjoy

November 9, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Lesley Ott
NASA Goddard
Coordinated observing and modeling in support of the newly established U.S. Greenhouse Gas Center – a brief overview of motivation, plans, and progress
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ken Pickering


November 2, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ramya Sunder Raman
IISER Bhopal, India
The COALESCE Project, India: A Framework to Unravel the Air Quality and Climate Effects of Aerosols 

[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Akanksha Singh

October 26, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Amy Rebecca Sapkota
University of Maryland School of Public Health
Reimagining Solutions to Address Emerging Contaminants in Recycled Irrigation Water
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson


October 19, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Valerie Were
NOAA NWS / NOAA CIRAUnderstanding the Ready in Weather-Ready Nation by Integrating Social and Physical Sciences at
the National Weather Service

[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina

October 12, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Fred Ogden
NOAA/NWS Office of Water Prediction
Advancing NOAA/NWS water prediction capabilities with NOAA's Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Louis Uccelini


October 5, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Riza Setiawan
Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia)
The Fujiwhara Effect on the Enlarging Phytoplankton concentration in Southeastern Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO) Region

[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Dwi Susanto

September 28, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Mary Barth
Vertical Transport of Aerosols and Trace Gases in Deep Convection
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ken Pickering


September 21, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Linette Boisvert
NASA Goddard
Affronting Ocean Models: Submesoscale Interactions between Fronts, Instabilities, and Turbulence

[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Gabrielle Linscott

September 14, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Alyssa Stansfield
Colorado State University
Modeling Across Scales to Understand Changes in Tropical Cyclone Precipitation with Climate Change
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina


September 7, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Liqing Jiang
Title: Global surface ocean acidification indicators from 1750 to 2100 — A state-of-the-art research and management tool for the 21st century under the combined stressors of global climate change and ocean acidification.

[ Abstract ] [ Recording ] [ Slides ]
Contact: Ning Zeng

August 31, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Baylor Fox-Kemper
Brown University
Affronting Ocean Models: Submesoscale Interactions between Fronts, Instabilities, and Turbulence
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat


April 27, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Andrea Molod
NASA Goddard / Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
Title: TBA
[ Abstract ] [ No Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina

April 20, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Alicia M. Bentley
An Overview of Global Model Verification at the Environmental Modeling Center (EMC)
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina


April 13, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Brian Tang
SUNY Albany
Diverging Behaviors of Tropical Cyclones in Moderate Vertical Wind Shear
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina

April 6, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Paul Newman
The 2022 Asian Summer Monsoon Chemical and Climate Impacts Project (ACCLIP)
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ken Pickering


March 30, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Abigail Bodner
Courant Institute, NYU
Ocean mixed layer dynamics: from physics to climate models and back again
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat

March 16, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Renyi Zhang
Texas A&M
Assessing the cause for the catastrophic flooding during Hurricane Harvey
[ Abstract ] [ No Recording ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li


March 9, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Megan Lickley
Georgetown University
Joint inference of halocarbon emissions, banks, and lifetimes, with impacts on the ozone layer and climate
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch

March 2, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Cory Martin
Global Data Assimilation Plans at NCEP - The Transition to JEDI and Coupled DA
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ] [ Slides ]
Contact: Ning Zeng


February 23, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. George Philander
Princeton University
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Sumant Nigam

February 9, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Kelly Nunez Ocasio
National Center for Atmospheric Research
The Multiscale Nature and Moisture Dependency of Tropical Cyclone Formation
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina


February 2, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Michelle L'Heureux
Title: Prediction Challenges from Errors in Tropical Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Trends
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina

January 26, 2023

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Claudia Tebaldi
Joint Global Change Research Institute (PNNL) / Climate Central
Climate model projections from the Scenario Model Intercomparison Project (ScenarioMIP) of CMIP6
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina




December 1, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi
Team Leader and Chief Scientist, RIKEN
Title: Big Data Assimilation Revolutionizing Numerical Weather Prediction Using Fugaku
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay


November 17, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Vanderlei Martin
Title: The use of Small Satellites for the Measurement of Aerosol, Cloud and Surface Properties and their Analogue Instrumentation at the Nose Level.
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

November 10, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Allison Wing
Acceleration of tropical cyclone development by cloud-radiative feedbacks
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jonathan Poterjoy


November 3, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Jing Wei
Tracking Air Pollution from Space Using Artificial Intelligence
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

October 27, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Erik van Sebille
Whose plastic is that? Combining ocean physics with Bayesian inference to attribute microplastic sources and sinks
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat


October 20, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Greg Frost
From Smog to Stratospheric Aerosols: NOAA’s Atmospheric Composition Capabilities and Applications
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch

October 13, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Steve Koch
University of Arizona
A Review of Mesoscale Gravity Waves and their relation to Spontaneous Balance Adjustment and Deep Convection
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ] [ Slides ]
Contact: Louis Uccelini


October 6, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Louis Uccelini
Bringing weather services and the intergovernmental emergency management community together to build a weather ready nation
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Louis Uccelini

September 29, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Robert Atlas
Personal reflections on the evolution of weather forecasting
[ Abstract ] [ No Recording ]
Contact: Sumant Nigam


September 22, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Amy McGovern
University of Oklahoma
Developing Trustworthy AI for Weather and Climate
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Sumant Nigam

September 15, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Annmarie Carlton
University of California, Irvine
Agricultural Air Pollution Policy and Impacts: an Almanac
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ken Pickering


September 8, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Kathy Breen
NASA Goddard
Physics-constrained deep learning parameterizations for AGCMs
[ Abstract ] [ No Recording ]
Contact: Maria Molina

September 1, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. James Carton
The Regional Arctic Reanalysis (RARE)
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jim Carton


August 18, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Oleg Dubovik
Laboratoire d'Optique Atmosphérique, Université Lille, France
The concept of universal retrieval algorithm for enhanced remote sensing of the atmosphere: GRASP-OPEN developments
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

April 28, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Laura Lapham
Methane biogeochemistry in the Chesapeake Bay watershed: From sea to mountains
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson


April 21, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Hanqin Tian
University of Auburn
How can the terrestrial biosphere be a part of the climate solution? Toward a predictive understanding of the global carbon cycle and GHG budgets
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Xin-Zhong Liang

April 14, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Jacob Wenegrat
The Gulf Stream–barrier, blender, or…breadmaker? Enhanced mixing at sharp ocean fronts
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat


April 7, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Robert Wood
Current and Future Cloud Brightening from Ships in Marine Low Clouds
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

March 31, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Zhaoxia Pu
University of Utah
Cold Fog Amongst Complex Terrain (CFACT): Observations, Modeling, and Prediction of Cold Fog
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Da-Lin Zhang


March 17, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Hussein Aluie
University of Rochester
Disentangling the Oceanic Circulation
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat

March 10, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Peter DeCarlo
Brick Kilns, Biomass, Traffic, and Trash – Air Quality in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson


March 3, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ken Kunkel
Extreme Precipitation: Trends, Meteorology, and Climatological Relationships
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Xin-Zhong Liang

February 24, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Greg Thompson
Using a Stochastic Parameter Perturbation to Represent Process-Based Uncertainty in a Microphysics Parameterization
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jonathan Poterjoy


February 17, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Maddie Smith
Sea ice melt in the changing Arctic: Insights from the MOSAiC expedition
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Sinead Farrell

February 10, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Arlene Fiore
Connecting regional air pollution with climate change near and far
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ken Pickering


February 3, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ryan Stauffer
Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ): Accomplishments from 25 years of Tropical and Subtropical Ozone Profiling
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch

January 27, 2022

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Thaddeus "Tad" Komacek
Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland
Studying extreme planets as a natural fluid dynamics laboratory: atmospheric circulation and mineral cloud transport on ultra-hot Jupiters
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat



December 2, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Sumant Nigam
The Mechanics of Surface Warming: A Tale of Two Continents
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Sumant Nigam

November 18, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Anand Gnanadesikan
Johns Hopkins University
How can we make marine biogeochemical models more realistic? New directions using machine learning and genomics
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat


November 11, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Becca Jackson
Submarine melting and plume dynamics at a tidewater glacier
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat

November 4, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Yun Qian
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Urbanization impact on regional climate and extreme weather
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li


October 28, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Jose Fuentes
Penn State
Trace-gas cycles in the Arctic boundary layer
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

October 21, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Youtong Zheng
Princeton University, and NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab
To couple or not to couple? New insights into the cloud-topped boundary layer
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li


October 14, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Richard Clark
Millersville University
Nocturnal Destabilization Associated with the Summertime Great Plains Low-Level Jet
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jonathan Poterjoy

October 7, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Christine Chiu
Colorado State
Breaking the deadlocks in remote sensing for improved understanding of cloud processes and aerosol properties
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Alexandra Jones


September 30, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Sam Shen & Dr. Richard Somerville
San Diego State University
How can we modernize mathematics education in atmospheric and oceanic science?
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Xin-Zhong Liang

September 23, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Susan Anenberg
George Washington University
Climate change, air pollution, and public health: From science to policy
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ken Pickering


September 16, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Michael Mann
Penn State
Climate Change and Extreme Summer Weather Events
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ning Zeng

September 9, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Maria Molina
Deep Learning across Weather and Climate Scales: Opportunities, Challenges, and a Future Outlook
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jonathan Poterjoy


September 2, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Jos Lelieveld
Max-Planck Institute
Impacts of air pollution on public health
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

April 29, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Robert Rogers
NOAA Airborne Hurricane Research through the Intensity Forecasting Experiment (IFEX): Past, Present, and Future
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Da-Lin Zhang


April 22, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Xuguang Wang
Multiscale data Assimilation and Predictability (MAP) LabSchool of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma
Multiscale data assimilation for numerical weather prediction
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jonathan Poterjoy

April 15, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Yolanda Shea
NASA Langley Research Center
Identifying and Unraveling Climate Change Mysteries from Space
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Alexandra Jones


April 8, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Brooke Medley
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
The importance of snow accumulation and firn evolution on assessing the Antarctic contribution to sea-level rise
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat

April 1, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dan Rodricks
Baltimore Sun columnist
Informing the Messenger: How Scientists and Journalists Can Collaborate for the Greater Good
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson


March 25, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Geoff Vallis
University of Exeter
A Distillation of the Mechanism of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Sumant Nigam

March 11, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Lesley Ott
Toward integrated seasonal predictions of land and ocean carbon flux: lessons learned from NASA’s subseasonal-to-seasonal predictions
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ken Pickering


March 4, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Belay Demoz
Director for the Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology/UMBC
Lower Tropospheric Profiling: A critical (and unmet) challenge in modeling and observation.
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Xin-Zhong Liang

February 25, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Olga Mayol
Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosol Research (ACAR), Department of Environmental Science, University of Puerto Rico – Río Piedras
From the Amazon to Godzilla: Exploring Aerosols Throughout the Tropics
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson


February 18, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Annalisa Bracco
Georgia Tech
Multiscale interactions in the Labrador Sea: submesoscale modulation of deep water formation
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat

February 11, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Susan Solomon
Lee and Geraldine Martin Professor of Environmental Science, MIT
Two Environmental Successes:  Why They Give Us Hope For The Planet
[ Abstract ] [ No Recording ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch


February 4, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Akua Asa-Awuku
UMD Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Understanding multi-phase chemistry in the growth of atmospheric droplets
[ Abstract ] [ No Recording ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch

January 28, 2021

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Mattias Green
Bangor University
A Journey Through Tides
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat



December 3, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Michelle L'Heureux
NWS Climate Prediction Center
How Good Are Predictions of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)?
[ Abstract ] [ No Recording ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

November 19, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Craig Long
Monitoring the stratosphere: events and interactions with the troposphere
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker


November 12, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Dylan Jones
Department of Physics, University of Toronto
Summertime ozone in North America: Isolating weather-driven ozone pollution events and
evaluating trends in precursor emissions

[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch

November 5, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Carey King
Energy Institute, University of Texas at Austin
The economic superorganism: Beyond the competing narratives on energy, growth, and policy
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Safa Mote


October 29, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Kevin Reed
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook
Detecting climate change impacts on tropical cyclones
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jonathan Poterjoy

October 22, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Earle Wilson
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, Caltech
The role of polar gyres in the Southern Ocean overturning circulation
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat


October 15, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Roisin Commane
Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University
Changing atmospheric composition in New York City during the COVID-19 shutdown
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch

October 8, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Jiwen Fan
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Physical factors impacting convective storms and weather hazards
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li


October 1, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ekir van Sebille
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University
Chasing Water: How ocean currents transport plastic and plankton around the globe
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat

September 24, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Nicole Riemer
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Aerosol mixing state: synthesizing measurements and models
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Alexandra Jones


September 17, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Don Milton
Environmental Health, University of Maryland
Infectious Drops and Aerosols
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch

September 10, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Bob Brammer
Brammer Technology, LLC
An Introductory Survey of Corporate and Investment Climate Finance and Implications for Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Professionals and Students
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Tim Canty


September 3, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Morgan O'Neill
Earth System Science, Stanford University
Fujita's "jumping cirrus": hydraulic jump dynamics above supercell thunderstorms
[ Abstract ] [ Recording ]
Contact: Jacob Wenegrat

March 5, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Jackson Tan
GESTAR / USRA, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
20 Years of Global Precipitation Measurement with IMERG V06
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

February 27, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Betsy Weatherhead
Jupiter Intelligence; University of Colorado, Boulder (retired)
Planning the Climate Observing System of the Future
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch

February 20, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Scott Rudlosky and Team*
Geostationary Lightning Mapper Research and Operational Applications
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

February 13, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Mian Chin
Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Interactions between Asian air pollution and the monsoon system: Effects on air quality and atmospheric composition in the UTLS region
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

February 6, 2020

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ross Salawitch
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Maryland
Applying Simple Models to Complex Problems in Atmospheric Sciences
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker


December 5, 2019

Senior Research Prospectus Defense
AOSC Undergraduate Students
Contact: Tim Canty

November 21, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ariel Stein
Tracers of Opportunity: A revolutionary way of developing and evaluating transport and dispersion models
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

November 14, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Christopher J. Hennigan
Technology Research Center, UMBC
VOC Transformations through Multiphase Chemistry in the Atmosphere
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

November 7, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Stephen E. Platnick
Atmospheres, Earth Sciences Division, NASA/GSFC
Title: Effort to merge MODIS and VIIRS cloud property data records
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

October 31, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Anindya Wirasatriya
Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Climatology of the Hot Event in the Western Equatorial Pacific
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Dwi Susanto

October 24, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Eviatar Bach
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Maryland
Local atmosphere–ocean predictability: dynamical origins, lead times, and seasonality
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

October 17, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Paul J. Miller
Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM)
Transportation and Climate Policy: State - Federal Tensions
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

October 10, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Eric A. Davidson
Appalachian Laboratory, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Manure Happens: Some Unintended Consequences of Feeding over Seven Billion Human Omnivores
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

October 3, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Peter Goodwin
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Large ecosystem management in an increasingly complex and dynamic environment - science and education challenges
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

September 26, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Alexander Kowaleski
Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, Pennsylvania State University
Use of mixture-model track clustering to interpret tropical cyclone ensemble forecasts
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Da-Lin Zhang

September 19, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Prof. John P. Burrows FRS
Institute of Environmental Physics/Institute of Remote Sensing IUP/IFE, University of Bremen, Germany
The Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Constituents from space: Progress and Challenges in the evolving Anthropocene
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

September 12, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Jonathan Poterjoy
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Maryland
From Toy Models to NWP: Leveraging Operational Weather Models for Data Assimilation Research
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

September 5, 2019

AOSC Seminar
AOSC Faculty
Research Activity in the Department of AOSC

May 2, 2019

AOSC Undergraduate Research Symposium
AOSC Students
Defense of senior research projects

April 24, 2019

6th Rasmusson Lecture at UMD
Prof. Scott Doney
Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia
Ocean Acidification and Rising Ocean Temperature Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Jim Carton

April 18, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Jim Carr
Carr Astronautics Corp
3D Winds: Observing the Dynaimcs of the Atmosphere in 3D from Space
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm

April 11, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Nicholas Nalli
A (Geo)Physicist Examines the Kennedy Assassination Film
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Juying Warner

April 4, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. David Stensrud
The Pennsylvania State University
Horizontal Convective Rolls: An Underappreciated Circulation?
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Da-lin Zhang

March 28, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Steven Pawson
NASA-GSFC, Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
Bringing NASA’s Observations into Earth System Analyses: Some Examples
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

March 14, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Isaac Moradi
Assimilation of Microwave Observations in the Rain Bands of Tropical Cyclones
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

March 7, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Annarita Mariotti
NOAA Climate Program Office
Title: Bridging the Weather-To-Climate Prediction Gap
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

February 28, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Brian Cosgrove
NOAA's National Water Model: An Overview of Model Activities and Related Initiatives
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

February 21, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ying-Hwa "Bill" Kuo
Title: Impact of Radio Occultation Data on Tropical Cyclone Prediction
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Kayo Ide

February 14, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Robert Leamon
NASA-GSFC, Heliospheric Physics Lab
Title: Terminators: The Death of the Solar Cycles and La Niña 2020
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

February 7, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Linette Boisvert
NASA-GSFC, Cryospheric Sciences Lab
Title: Estimating evaporation in the 'New Arctic' and Antarctic/Southern Ocean using the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS)
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

January 31, 2019

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Lazaros Oreopoulos
NASA-GSFC, Climate and Radiation Lab
Title: The Effect of Different Cloud Classes on Earth's Radiation Budget
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker


December 6, 2018

Senior Research Prospectus Defense
AOSC Undergraduate Majors
Contact: Tim Canty

November 29, 2018

AOSC Seminar
Lonnie Gonsalves/ Cristine Alex
Ecological Forecasting Roadmap, NOAA
NOAA’s Ecological Forecasting Roadmap: Insight Into Partnership Opportunities
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Xin-Zhong Liang

November 15, 2018

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Anne Thompson
Variability in Ozone Structure: Insights from Strategic Ozonesonde Networks
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

November 8, 2018

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ivonne Radjawane
Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
Dynamics of the Ocean and Atmosphere of Indonesia
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Raden Dwi Susanto

November 1, 2018

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Alexei Lyapustin
Multi-angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) Algorithm
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

October 25, 2018

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Christa Peters-Lidard
The Role of Land Surface Feedbacks in Drought Monitoring and Forecasting
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

October 18, 2018

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ariana Sutton-Grier
The Nature Conservancy, MD/DC Chapter, ESSIC/UMD
Blue Carbon, Green Infrastructure, and Nature & Human Health: Science to Support Ecosystem Management
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Fernando Mirrales-Wilhelm

October 11, 2018

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Anand Inamdar
Cooperative Institue for Climate and Satellites, NCEI/CWC
Spatio-temporal Reconstruction of Land Surface Temperatures from Daily Max/Min Temperature Records.
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

October 4, 2018

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Abhishek Chatterjee
Constraining carbon cycle dynamics using contemporary observations: Achievements, challenges and opportunities
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Shaun Howe

September 27, 2018

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Brian Mapes
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Meteorology and Physical Oceanography, University of Miami
Understanding convective momentum flux in a global explicit-convection simulation
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Xin-Zhong Liang

September 20, 2018

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Melissa Kenney
Public Communication of Climate Science: How data visualization matters
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Fernando Mirrales-Wilhelm

September 13, 2018

AOSC Seminar
Prof. Ross Salawitch
The Efficacy of the Paris Climate Agreement
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

September 6, 2018

AOSC Seminar
Dr Travis Rieder
Berman Institute of Bioethics, JHU
The Ethics of Making Babies in the Face of Climate Change
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Safa Motesharrei

August 30, 2018

AOSC Seminar
AOSC Faculty
Research Activity in the Department of AOSC

May 10, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Dr. Kieran Bhatia
Princeton Univeristy
Is Climate Change Redefining the Acceleration Limit of Tropical Cyclones?
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch

May 3, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Tim Canty
AOSC, AOSC undergraduate student research symposium
Contact: Ning Zeng

April 26, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Bruce Doddridge
NASA/Langley Research Center
Satellite Measurements of Chemical, Meteorological and Climate Variables
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

April 19, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Professor Chris Blazczak-Boxe
Earth and Environmental Sciences, City College of New York
A mechanism for biologically-induced iodine emissions from sea-ice
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Derrick Lampkin

April 12, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Felix Seidel
Earth Science Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters
How Aerosol Influence the Environment and NASA Earth Science
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Derrick Lampkin

April 5, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Emily Becker
NOAA/CPC and Innovim
The North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) in Action
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Ning Zeng

March 29, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Professor Maureen Cropper
Department of Economics
The Economic Costs of Pollution: Estimates from the 2015 Global Burden of Disease
Contact: Russ Dickerson

March 15, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi
Data Assimilation Research Team, RIKEN
Advancing Data Assimilation as a Science Hub
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

March 8, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Professor Stan Becker
Johns Hopkins University
The elephant in the room: Rapid population growth
Contact: Safa Motesharrei

March 1, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Speaker: TBA

February 22, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Chris Landsea
National Hurricane Center
Hurricanes and Climate Change: Expectations versus Observations
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Dalin Zhang

February 15, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Anna Karion
Carbon monitoring for the US Northeast Corridor
Contact: Cory Martin

February 8, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Professor Eugenia Kalnay
University of Maryland
Large-scale wind and solar farms in the Sahara would increase precipitation and vegetation
Contact: Ning Zeng

February 1, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Professor Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm
What would Thomas Malthus tell us in the 21st Century?: Experiences in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus from an International Development Perspective
Contact: Ning Zeng


January 25, 2018

Departmental Seminar
Michael Peterson
Atmospheric Electricity and Why it Matters for the Earth System
Contact: Ning Zeng

December 7, 2017

AOSC Student Seminars
AOSC Undergraduate Majors
Senior Research Prospectus Defense

November 30, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Alice Crawford
Contact: Tim Canty

November 16, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Steven Smith
History and Future of Air Pollutant Emissions: Why, What, and How Much?

November 9, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Dwi Susanto
Role of Indonesian Seas on Global Ocean Circulation and Climate

November 2, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Richard Krupar
Center for Disaster Resilience, UMD
Using Ensemble Prediction System Forecasts to Rapidly Assess Tropical Cyclone Impacts on Residential Communities
[ Abstract ]

October 26, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Aishwarya Raman
[ Abstract ]

October 19, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Louis Uccellini
Building a Weather Ready Nation: What It Means to Your Future
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Da-Lin Zhang

October 12, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Prof. Ellen Williams
Physics, UMD
Innovation to Create the Energy System of the Future
[ Abstract ]

October 5, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Leonard Konikow
Long-Term Groundwater Depletion
[ Abstract ]

September 28, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Angela Fritz
Capital Weather Gang
From scientist to journalist: My anomalous career path and lessons learned along the way
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Dale Allen

September 21, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr Lenny Konikow
Groundwater depletion and its impacts
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Safa Motesharrei

September 14, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Robert Engelman
Worldwatch Institute
Science, Population and the Environment: What Is, What Could Be
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Safa Motesharrei

September 7, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Speaker: TBA

August 31, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Speaker: TBA

May 4, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Michael King
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado Boulder
Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Tropospheric Clouds observed by MODIS onboard the Terra and Aqua Satellites
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

April 27, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Yaling Liu
The Patterns, Causes and Consequences of Changes in Regional and Global Water Cycling
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

April 20, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ming Cai
Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science, Florida State University
Physics of the Dispersive Nature and Energy Propagation of Rossby Waves
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

April 13, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. John Yorks
Vertical Profiles of Clouds and Aerosols From the ISS: Two Years and Counting of CATS Data
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Allison Ring

April 6, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Fuzhong Weng
NOAA/NESDIS Center for Satellite Applications and Research
New Satellite Observations for Monitoring and Forecasting Hurricanes and Severe Storms
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

March 30, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Speaker: TBA

March 16, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi
Advanced Institute for Computational Science, RIKEN
Data Assimilation Research at RIKEN: Numerical Weather Prediction and Beyond
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

March 9, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. William Lapenta
The NCEP Production Suite: Plans and Perspectives from the “Tip of the Spear”
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Da-Lin Zhang

March 2, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ralph Kahn
Climate and Radiation Laboratory, NASA/GSFC
A Planetary Perspective on Aerosols & Climate
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

February 23, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Prof. Zhanqing Li
AOSC & ESSIC, University of Maryland
Interactions between air pollution and climate change in the Asian monsoon system
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Juying Warner

February 16, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. David Turner
NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory
A Ground-based Network of Boundary Layer Thermodynamic Profilers: The Infrared Option
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

February 9, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Prof. Ross Salawitch
AOSC/Dept. of Chem. and Biochem./ESSIC, University of Maryland
Paris Climate Agreement: Beacon of Hope
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

February 2, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Sid Boukabara
Environmental data fusion: combining satellite remote sensing and data assimilation techniques for NWP and situational awareness applications
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Kayo Ide


January 26, 2017

AOSC Seminar
Speaker: TBA

December 8, 2016

AOSC Student Seminars
Speaker: TBA

December 1, 2016

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Flavio Iturbide-Sanchez
Overview of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Unique Combined Atmospheric Processing System (NUCAPS) and Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS)
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Juying Warner

November 17, 2016

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Gerald Nedoluha
Middle Atmospheric Physics Section, Naval Research Lab
Two decades of ground-based microwave measurements of the middle atmosphere
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

November 10, 2016

AOSC Seminar
Prof. Chris Bretherton
Atmospheric Sciences and Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, WA
Insights into subtropical cloud feedback mechanisms from high-resolution simulations
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

November 3, 2016

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Ivanka Stajner
NOAA’s Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS)
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

October 27, 2016

AOSC Seminar
Prof. Jeffrey Halverson
Geography and Environmental Systems, UMBC, MD
The Thundery Summer of 2016: A Review of Severe Weather Events in the D.C. Region, Including the Ellicott City Flash Flood
[ Abstract ]
Contact: William Miller

October 20, 2016

AOSC Seminar
Dr. William Boos
Department of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University
The zonally resolved atmospheric energy budget: a theory for regional precipitation change
[ Abstract ]
Contact: William Lau

October 13, 2016

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Jim Crawford
Developing Future Air Quality Observing Strategies
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

October 6, 2016

AOSC Seminar
Prof. John Burrows
Institute of Environmental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany
Assessing the impact of the Anthropocene on atmospheric composition using remote sensing from aircraft and space based instrumentation: the SCIAMACHY Project and its legacy
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Russell Dickerson

September 29, 2016

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Yasin Elshorbany
The Tropospheric Oxidizing Capacity: Current Challenges and Future Prospects
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch

September 22, 2016

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Peter Black
NOAA UAS Program Office/Cherokee Nation Technologies, LLC
Optimizing Operational Global Hawk Flight Patterns (SHOUT Project) with Respect to High-impact Weather Systems to Maximize TC Model Intensity and Structure Forecast Improvements
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Da-Lin Zhang

September 15, 2016

AOSC Seminar
Dr Nickolay Krotkov
Satellite Retrievals of Air Quality and Climate Relevant Trace Gases at Goddard Space Flight Center
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

September 8, 2016

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Mitchell Goldberg
Improving Societal Benefit Areas from Applications Enhanced by the Joint Polar Satellite System
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

September 1, 2016

AOSC Seminar
Dr. Juying Warner
AOSC, University of Maryland
Increased Atmospheric Ammonia over the World’s Major Agricultural Areas Detected from Space
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

May 5, 2016

AOSC Student Research Symposium
AOSC Students
AOSC, University of Maryland

April 28, 2016

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. John Marshall
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Inter-hemispheric asymmetries in climate, oceans and ITCZ migrations
Contact: Jim Carton

April 21, 2016

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Gil Compo
University of Colorado/CIRES & NOAA/ESRL
Towards an improved 20th Century reanalysis version “2c” dataset spanning 1850 to 2012
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Sumant Nigam

April 18, 2016

AOSC Special Seminar
Dr. Song-You Hong
Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems (KIAPS)
Challenges in atmospheric modeling in coming 10 years: A subjective point of view
[ Abstract ]

April 14, 2016

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Leon Chafik
Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Toward a better understanding of Atlantic Water variability in the Subpolar North Atlantic
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Jim Carton

April 7, 2016

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. William Kuo
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The Impact of GPS Radio Occultation Data on the Prediction of Tropical Cyclogenesis
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Kayo Ide

March 31, 2016

*** 5th Rasmusson Lecture ***
Dr. Isaac Held
Tropical Cyclones and Global Climate Models: Entering a Golden Age of Research
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Sumant Nigam

March 24, 2016

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Chuck Weyandt
Maryland Aerospace, Inc.
Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control with Emphasis on CubeSats
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Derrick Lampkin

March 10, 2016

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Patrick Harr
National Science Foundation & Naval Postgraduate School
Temporal Clustering of Tropical Cyclone Occurrence
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Da-Lin Zhang

March 3, 2016

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Daniel Anderson
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Maryland
A Tropical Tropospheric Source of High Ozone/Low Water Structures
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch

February 25, 2016

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. David Crisp
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Watching the Earth Breathe - Measuring Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide with NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2)
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Sumant Nigam

February 18, 2016

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Leila De Floriani
University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland
Representation and topological analysis for scientific data visualization
[ Abstract ]
Contact: James Carton

February 11, 2016

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. John Delaney
School of Oceanography, University of Washington
Understanding our planetary life support system: Next-generation science in the ocean basins using real-time, interactive sensor robotic systems
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rita Colwell

February 4, 2016

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Clark Weaver
Evaluation climate models using a 35-year record of cloud albedo radiative forcing derived from UV reflectivity
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Ross Salawitch

January 28, 2016

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Scott Rudlosky
Lightning and Precipitation Studies at CICS-MD
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Daryl Kleist


December 10, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
AOSC Student Seminars
Contact: Tim Canty

December 3, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Nathan Magee
The College of New Jersey
PURE* Ice Cloud Nanophysics; *Powered by Undergraduate Research
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Daryl Kleist

November 19, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Ann Marie Carlton
Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University
Aerosol water: now you see it, now you don’t!
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

November 12, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Ping Yang
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University
Atmospheric optics & radiative transfer : Genesis and Evolution
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

November 5, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Bill Callahan
Taking the Pulse of Our Planet: Advances in Sensor Networks, Big Data and Analytics
Contact: Ning Zeng

October 29, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Tony Broccoli
Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University
Using Single-Forcing Coupled Climate Model Experiments to Understand the Response to Orbital Forcing
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Jim Carton

October 22, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Arlene Laing
NOAA/NWS/WPC and CIRES, Synoptic and mesoscale interactions during heavy rainfall events in the Caribbean
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Da-Lin Zhang

October 15, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. William K. M. Lau
Earth Science System Interdisiplinary Center, University of Maryland
What would happen to Superstorm Sandy in a future warmer world?
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Kayo Ide

October 8, 2015

*** Alumnus Seminar ***
Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi
Data Assimilation Research Team, RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science
Big Data, Supercomputing, and Data Assimilation
Contact: Kayo Ide

October 1, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Andrea Molod
From Tropical Storms to Decadal Prediction: GEOS-5 AGCM Physical Parameterizations for a Wide Range of Applications and Resolutions
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Jim Carton

September 24, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Kim Klockow
Severe weather warnings and society: A trip through the culture and policies of meteorology
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Daryl Kleist

September 17, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Cristiana Stan
George Mason University
The influence of cloud representation on climate change projections of summer rainfall
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Jim Carton

September 10, 2015

*** Alumnus Seminar ***
Lesley Ott
High-resolution emission and transport modeling of atmospheric CO2
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Ning Zeng

September 3, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Richard Menard
Air Quality Research Division, Environment Canada
Data Assimilation of Atmospheric Composition for Air Quality and Stratospheric Applications, With an Introduction on Environmental and Health Impacts
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Kayo Ide

May 7, 2015

AOSC Student Research Symposium
AOSC Students
University of Maryland
Contact: Tim Canty

April 30, 2015

*** CMNS Distinguished Alumni Seminar ***
Dr. David Dewitt
Climate Prediction Center, NOAA/NWS/National Centers for Environmental Prediction
State of the Art Short-Term Climate Forecasting: Current Status, Prospects for Improvement, and Remaining Challenges
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Daryl Kleist

April 23, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Brian Ancell
Department of Geosciences, Texas Tech University
Developing Ensemble-Based Tools to Improve and Understand the Predictability of High-Impact Events
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Daryl Kleist

April 16, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Jeffrey Halverson
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, University of MD, Baltimore County
Forecasting Washington's Winter Weather: A Review of 2014-2015 and the Grand Challenges
[ Abstract ]
Contact: William Miller

April 9, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Drs. Ning Zeng and Russ Dickerson
AOSC and ESSIC, University of Maryland
Making SENSE of our environment: monitoring urban air pollution, weather and greenhouse gases with smart sensor network
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Ning Zeng

April 2, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Twila Moon
National Snow and Ice Data Center, CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder
Redefining Glacial Pace: Greenland Ice Sheet Velocities during the 21st Century
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Derrick Lampkin

March 26, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Johan Schijf
UMCES, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
The role of strong organic ligands in the marine biogeochemistry of trace metals
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Jim Carton

March 12, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Ragu Murtugudde
AOSC, University of Maryland
Multi-Scale Interactions between MJOs and the Indonesian Throughflow
Contact: Derrick Lampkin

March 5, 2015

Dr. Steven Platnick
Earth Science Division, NASA/GSFC
Challenges in the production of observational datasets: The MODIS cloud product perspective
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

February 26, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Gidon Eshel
Bard Center for Environmental Policy, Bard College
Feeding a 9-billion people earth: New insights from the US on the role of individual choices
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Raghuram Murtugudde

February 19, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Gretchen Mullendore
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of North Dakota
Use of Observations to Evaluate Model Simulations of Convective Transport
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Daryl Kleist

February 12, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Daniel Kirk-Davidoff
AOSC, University of Maryland
Developing a Modernization Plan for the Uganda Department of Meteorology
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Derrick Lampkin

February 5, 2015

AOSC Departmental Seminar
Dr. Yan Li
University of Maryland and Peking University
Biophysical cooling and warming of forests - evidence from satellite observation and climate models
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

January 29, 2015

AOSC494 Seminar Orientation
Dr. Derrick Lampkin
AOSC, University of Maryland
Orientation for AOSC students
Contact: Derrick Lampkin


December 11, 2014 - 3:30pm

AOSC Student Seminar

Contact: Tim Canty

December 4, 2014 - 3:30pm

Forecasting Severe Weather For The Capital Weather Gang
Dr. Jeffrey Halverson
University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
[ Abstract ]
Contact: William Miller

November 20, 2014 - 3:30pm

Can we use GRACE, Argo, altimetry, and tide gauges to constrain estimates of deep ocean warming?
Dr. Eric Leuliette
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

November 13, 2014 - 3:30pm

Mass Changes of Polar Ice Sheets and Sea Ice in a Changing Climate
Dr. Jay Zwally
ESSIC-University of Maryland, NASA Goddard, Cryospheric Science Branch
Contact: Derrick Lampkin

November 6, 2014 - 3:30pm

Progress in Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere
Dr. Ludovic Brucker
NASA Goddard, Cryospheric Science Branch
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Derrick Lampkin

October 30, 2014 - 3:30pm

Remote Sensing of Ice-Sheet Margins
Dr. Kelly Brunt
ESSIC-University of Maryland, NASA Goddard, Cryospheric Science Branch
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Derrick Lampkin

October 23, 2014 - 3:30pm

Slip Slidin' Away: Glaciers and Ice Sheets in a changing climate
Sridhar Anandakrishnan
Pennsylvania State University, Department of Geoscience
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Derrick Lampkin

October 16, 2014 - 3:30pm

Towards Multisensor Snow Assimilation: A Simultaneous Radiometric and Gravimetric Framework
Dr. Barton Forman
University of Maryland, Civil and Environmental Engineering
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Derrick Lampkin

October 9, 2014 - 5:00pm

*** Distinguished Lecture ***
Location: CSIC Room 1115
Reception 4:00 PM

The challenges for food, water, and energy security in the face of climate change and loss of biodiversity.
Dr. Robert Watson
Tyndall Centre for Climate Change, University of East Anglia
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Catherine Stephens

October 2, 2014 - 3:30pm

Understanding Greenland's Coupled Ice Sheet-Atmosphere-Ocean System: Recent Progress
Dr. Gordon Hamilton
University of Maine, Climate Change Institute
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Derrick Lampkin

September 25, 2014 - 3:30pm

Arctic Freshwater Export: Status, Mechanisms, and Prospects
Dr. Tom Haine
Johns Hopkins University
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Kayo Ide

September 18, 2014 - 3:30pm

Efficiency Space: A Framework for Evaluating Joint Evaporation and Runoff Behavior
Dr. Randy Koster
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

September 11, 2014 - 3:30pm

Additive and Multiplicative Incremental 4DVAR for Mixed Gaussian and Lognormal Distribution Errors
Dr. Steven Fletcher
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, Colorado State University
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Daryl Kleist

September 4, 2014 - 3:30pm

New satellite measurements related to plant physiological functioning
Dr. Joanna Joiner
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Russell Dickerson


November 29, 2012

Tele-connecting local consumption to global land use and water consumption
Professor Klaus Hubacek
University of Maryland
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

November 15, 2012

Research and data management at the: NODC Ocean Climate Laboratory and World Dada Center for Oceanography
Dr. Sydney Levitus
NOAA/NESDIS National Oceanographic Data Center
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Jim Carton

November 12, 2012 - 11:00am

*** Note the Date and Time ***
*** Location: CSS3400 ***

A Fuel Injected Outlet Glacier: Melt Water Infiltration from Saturated Shear Margins
Dr. Derrick Lampkin
Pennsylvania State University
Contact: Jim Carton

November 8, 2012

NASA Earth Sciences: activities and opportunities
Dr. Peter Hildebrand
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Contact: Jim Carton

November 1, 2012

*** CANCELLED due to Storm Sandy ***
CGILS: First Results From an International Project to Understand Cloud-Climate Feedbacks in General Circulation Models
Professor Minghua Zhang
Stony Brook University
Contact: Ning Zeng

October 25, 2012

Late Holocene Sea Level Rise: History, Processes, Future
Professor Michael Kearney
University of Maryland
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

October 18, 2012

Community Radiative Transfer Model Development and Applications
Dr. Quanhua (Mark) Liu
University of Maryland
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

October 11, 2012

*** Bob Hudson Symposium ***


October 8, 2012 - 2:00pm

*** Note the Date and Time ***
*** Location: CSS3400 ***

Physical underpinnings of oceanic phytoplankton blooms
Dr. Amala Mahadevan
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Contact: Jim Carton

October 4, 2012

Changes in the ventilation of the southern oceans due to stratospheric ozone depletion
Professor Darryn Waugh
Johns Hopkins University
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Kayo Ide

September 27, 2012

Hot Air in the Forest Primeval
Professor Bill Brune
Pennsylvania State University
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Da-Lin Zhang

September 20, 2012

Earth Science Research at NASA Langley Research Center
Dr. Bruce Doddridge
NASA Langley Research Center
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson/Jim Carton

September 13, 2012

*** AOSC Meeting ***
AOSC Meeting of the Whole
Professor Jim Carton
University of Maryland

August 30, 2012

*** Special NOAA Seminar ***
*** Special Reception at 3pm ***

An Overview of the Current and Future NCEP Operational Modeling Suite
Dr. William Lapenta
Acting Director
NOAA/NCEP Environmental Modeling Center
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Jim Carton

May 10, 2012

*** Alumnus Seminar ***
Multi-faceted forced variability of the South Asian summer monsoon
Dr. Massimo Bollasina
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Contact: Sumant Nigam

May 3, 2012

*** Distinguished Alumnus Seminar ***
Shallow-water Remote Sensing: The Unsolved Problem of Atmospheric Correction
Dr. Curtis Mobley
Sequoia Scientific, Inc.
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Ragu Murtugudde

April 26, 2012

A Significant Advance in Calculating EOFs from Very Large Data Sets
Dr. Huug van den Dool
NOAA/NCEP Climate Prediction Center
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

April 19, 2012

Air Quality Forecasting basics and experiences
Dr. Pius Lee
NOAA Air Resources Laboratory
Contact: Russ Dickerson

April 12, 2012

*** Alumnus Seminar ***
A Reanalysis for Mars: Insights into the Weather and Predictability of the Red Planet
Dr. Steven Greybush
University of Maryland
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

April 5, 2012

Assimilation of CO2 measurements from an AIRS channel with peak sensitivity in the mid- and lower-troposphere
Dr. Andrew Tangborn
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

March 29, 2012 - 6:00pm

*** Rasmusson Lecture ***
Why is Global Warming Polarizing?
Professor George Philander
Princeton University
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Sumant Nigam

March 15, 2012

*** Faculty Seminar ***
The Impact of Tropospheric Aerosols, Volcanoes, and Ocean Circulation on Global Climate
Professor Ross Salawitch
University of Maryland
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

March 8, 2012

Chaotic Advection in a Three-dimensional, Idealized Ocean Eddy
Dr. Larry Pratt
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Contact: Kayo Ide

March 1, 2012

How important is the Tibetan Plateau to China and global weather, environment, and climate systems?
Dr. Chungu Lu
National Science Foundation
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Zhanqing Li

February 23, 2012

A tale of two winter storms: Dec 26, 2010 and Jan 26, 2011
Mr. Steven Zubrick
National Weather Service Sterling
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Scott Rudlosky

February 16, 2012

*** Faculty Seminar ***
Big History: Earth, Life, and Sustainability
Professor Raghuram Murtugudde
University of Maryland
[ Presentation ]
Contact: Tony Busalacchi

February 9, 2012

Nucleation, Growth, and Transformation of Atmospheric Aerosols: Recent Progress and Challenges
Professor Renyi Zhang
Holder of Harold J. Haynes Endowed Chair
Texas A&M University
Contact: Zhanqing Li

February 2, 2012

Tales from my sabbatical: a hydrologist with a mid-life crisis playing multi-lateral development banking in Washington
Professor Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm
Florida International University
Contact: Tony Busalacchi


December 1, 2011

Impact of Land Use, Climate Variability, and Watershed Restoration on Nitrogen Dynamics
Professor Sujay Kaushal
Universiy of Maryland
ESSIC & Geology
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Raghu Murtugudde

November 17, 2011

The Structure of the LaGrange, Wyoming Tornado Observed during VORTEX2
Dr. Roger Wakimoto
National Center for Atmospheric Research
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Kayo Ide

November 10, 2011

How Well Do We Know Recent Climate Trends at the Tropical Tropopause?
Dr. James Wang
NOAA Air Resources Laboratory
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Phil Arkin

November 3, 2011

Part I - Sea Surface Temperature for Numerical Weather Prediction.
Part II - U. S. Global Change Research Program Strategic Plan.

Professor David Halpern
NASA Headquarters
University of Maryland
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Rachel Pinker

October 20, 2011

*** Alumna Seminar ***
Estimation of Surface Carbon Fluxes with an Advanced Data Assimilation Methodology
Dr. Ji-Sun Kang
Ph.D. AOSC 2009
Advisor: Eugenia Kalnay

University of Maryland
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

October 13, 2011

*** Faculty Seminar ***
Long-term and Global Impact of Aerosols on Cloud and Precipitation
Professor Zhanqing Li
Universiy of Maryland
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Da-Lin Zhang

October 6, 2011

*** Alumna Seminar ***
AIRS Contribution to Climate and Air Quality Studies - Focus on Algorithm Refinement and Validation
Dr. Juying Warner
Ph.D. Meteorology 1997
Advisor: Bob Ellingson

University of Maryland Baltimore County
Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

September 29, 2011

*** Faculty Seminar ***
Regional Climate-Weather Research and Forecasting (CWRF) Model Development and Application over the U.S.
Professor Xin-Zhong Liang
University of Maryland
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

September 22, 2011

Multi-model Ensemble Forecasting in the Energy Weather Industry
Dr. Daniel Kirk-Davidoff
MDA Information Systems
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Kayo Ide

September 15, 2011

America's Climate Choices, Maryland's Climate Choices
Professor Donald F. Boesch
University of Maryland
Center for Environmental Science
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Tony Busalacchi

September 8, 2011

*** Chair's Address ***
State of the Department
Professor Jim Carton
University of Maryland
Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science

June 23, 2011

* Special Seminar *
Observing System Simulation Experiments: Methodology, Early Results and Plans for the Future
Dr. Robert Atlas
NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Prof. Kayo Ide

May 18, 2011

El Nino in SODA 1871-2008
Prof. Benjamin Giese
Texas A&M University
Department of Oceanography
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Prof.Jim Carton

May 10, 2011

* Joint AOSC-Dept. History Seminar *
Climate Controversies: Science and the Politics of Knowledge about Global Climate Change
Prof. Paul Edwards
University of Michigan
School of Information
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Prof. Kayo Ide

May 5, 2011

* Almuni Seminar *
Tropical Weather Systems within a Global Data Assimilation and Forecasting Framework
Dr. Oreste Reale
2011 Distinguishd Alumni Award Recipient
PhD, Meteorology, University of Maryland
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Laboratory for Atmosphere
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Prof. Ning Zeng

April 28, 2011

Using Neural Networks to Improve Atmospheric Model Physics
Dr. Vladimir Krasnopolsky
NOAA Nat'l Centers for Environmental Prediction Environmental Modeling Center
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Prof. Da-Lin Zhang

April 21, 2011

Adjoint Sensitivity Studies of Extratropical and (Sub-)Tropical Transition: Floyd (1999) and Andrea (2007)
Prof. Michael Morgan
University of Wisconsin
NSF Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Prof. Kayo Ide

April 14, 2011

Daily Precipitation Statistics: An Intercomparison between NCEP Reanalyses and Observations
Dr. Vernon Kousky
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sceince
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Prof. Jim Carton

April 7, 2011

How Can Environmental Changes Affect Climate: Findings From the EAST-AIRE and AMF Experiments in China
Prof. Zhanqing Li
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Prof. Eugenia Kalnay

March 31, 2011

When did the Anthropocene Begin?
Observations and Climate Model Simulations

Prof. John Kutzbach
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Center for Climate Research
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Prof. Sumant Nigam

March 17, 2011

It is Necessary to Revolutionize Climate Prediction: Is it Possible?
Professor Jagadish Shukla
George Mason University
Institute for Global Environment and Society
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Prof. Eugenia Kalnay

March 16, 2011

Aerosol Assimilation and its Applications
Dr. Nicholas Schutgens
University of Tokyo
Atmospheric and Oceanic Research Institute
Contact: Prof. Zhanqing Li

March 14, 2011

Ideas for Improving Ensemble Data Assimilation
Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Contact: Prof. Eugenia Kalnay

March 10, 2011

The Relationship between Refractivity and Atmospheric Boundary Layer Structure
Dr. Robert Marshall
Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Prof. Da-Lin Zhang

March 9, 2011

The Data-Assimilation Zoo. Section: Kalman Filters
Dr. Lars Nerger
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Contact: Prof. Jim Carton

March 3, 2011

Recent Progress in Analysis and Prediction at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Environmental Modeling Center
Dr. Steve Lord
NOAA Nat'l Centers for Environmental Prediction
Environmental Modeling Center
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Prof. Kayo Ide

February 24, 2011

Air Quality in a Changing Climate
Dr. Darrell Winner
National Center for Environmental Assessment
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Dr. Jeff Stehr

February 17, 2011

Almuni Seminar
Observed Global Precipitation Variability during the 20th Century
Dr. Phil Arkin
PhD, Meteorology, University of Maryland
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Prof. Antonio Busalacchi

February 10, 2011

Integration of Information from Multiple Sources
Prof. Benjamin Kedem
University of Maryland, Department of Mathematics
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Prof. Rachel Pinker

January 31, 2011

Too Smart for Our Own Good
Dr. Craig Dilworth
Uppsala University, Sweden, Department of Philosophy
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Prof. Eugenia Kalnay


December 9
Ensemble Forecasting: Why and How?
Dr. Zoltan Toth
NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory
Forecast Application Branch
Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Kayo Ide

December 2
The NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis
Dr. Suranjana Saha
NOAA Nat'l Centers for Environmental Prediction
Environmental Modeling Center
Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

November 18
The Effects of Deep Convection on Atmospheric Chemistry
Dr. Kenneth Pickering
PhD, Meteorology, University of Maryland
* Alumni Reception at 3:00pm *
NASA GSFC Atmos. Chem. and Dyn. Branch
UMD Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciecne
Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

November 11
Contrasting Physical-Biological Interactions in the Central Gyres and Ocean Margin
Prof. Anand Gnanadesikan
NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Johns Hopkins University (Starting January 2011)
[ Abstract Presentation ]
Contact: James Carton

November 4
Overview of the Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM)
Dr. Sonny Kim
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Joint Global Change Research Institute
Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Ning Zeng

October 28
Land-use Change and Earth System Dynamics: Advancing the Science
Prof. George Hurtt
University of Maryland
Department of Geography
Abstract ]
Contact: Ning Zeng

October 21
The Fate of Ethanol and Meat in a Changing Climate: Integrating the Socio-Economic and Physical Drivers of Land-use Change in the Partial Equilibrium Economic Land-use (PEEL) Model
Dr. Joshua W. Elliott
University of Chicago
& Argonne National Laboratory
Computation Institute
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Danniel Kirk-Davidoff

October 14
A Hybrid Lagrangian/Eulerian View of the Atmospheric Mass Circulation: Preliminary Results
Prof. Ming Cai
Florida State University
Dept. of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science
On sabbatical at Univeristy of Maryland
[ Abstract ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

October 7
Recent Widening of the Tropical Belt
Dr. Dian Seidel
PhD, Meteorology, University of Maryland
Air Resources Laboratory
[ Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Sumant Nigam

September 30
"Blue Collar" Science and The Maryland State Implementation Plan for Air Quality
Dr. Jeffrey W. Stehr
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: Russ Dickerson

September 23
A Critical Look at the Science of Climate Change
Prof. Ross J. Salawitch
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Abstract ]
Contact: Kayo Ide

September 16
Revolutionizing Climate Modeling: Impact of High Spatial Resolution
Prof. James Kinter
Institute of Global Environment and Society
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
[Abstract | Presentation ]
Contact: James Carton

September 2
Population and Climate Change: Coupling Population Models with Earth System Models
Prof. Eugenia Kalnay and Mr. Harald Rybka(#)
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
(#) Also Johannes Gutenberg University, Germany
[Abstract | Presentation PartI & PartII ]
Contact: Kayo Ide

May 6
Nitrogen: A Story of Food, Feed and Fuel
Professor James N. Galloway
University of Virginia
Department of Environmental Sciences
Contact: Russell Dickerson

April 29
The Multi-Faceted Influence of Aerosols in Climate
Professor Venkatachalam Ramaswamy
NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Princeton University
Contact: Sumant Nigam

April 22
Observations of Tropical Variability in the Upper Troposphere/ Lower Stratosphere: Insights from the SHADOZ Strategic Ozonesonde Network
Professor Anne Thompson
Penn State University
Department of Meteorology
Contact: Ross Salawitch

April 15
Droughts over the US Great Plains and the African Sahel: A Key Role for Atlantic Basin Temperatures
Professor Sumant Nigam
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
& Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center
Contact: Kayo Ide

April 8
Modeling Land Cover/Land Use Changes and Their Impact on Regional Climate
Professor E. Hugo Berbery
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Contact: Kayo Ide

April 1
Enhanced surface heating and accelerated snow melt in the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau induced by absorbing aerosols
Dr. William K.M. Lau
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Chief, Laboratory for Atmospheres
Contact: Jeff Stehr

March 25
Recent Findings in Weather and Climate Research from the AIRS on Aqua
Dr. Thomas S. Pagano
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
AIRS Project Manager
Contact: Kayo Ide

March 8, Monday, 12pm
ESSIC Conference Room 4102 (M square)
From a Failed Growth Economy to a Steady State Economy: With Ten Policy Steps Along the Way
Professor Herman E. Daly
University of Maryland
School of Public Policy
Abstract | Talk ]
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

March 4
The Effervescent Eddy Enigma
Professor A. Dennis Kirwan Jr.

University of Delaware
College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment
Contact: Kayo Ide

February 25
The Stratospheric Ozone Hole and the Montreal Protocol: Role Model for Global Warming?
Professor Robert Hudson
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Contact: Russell Dickerson

February 18
NOAA Operational Polar-Orbiting Satellites for Monitoring the Environment and Socioeconomic Activities
Dr. Felix Kogan
NOAA Satellite Meteorology & Climatology Division
Environmental Monitoring Branch
Contact: Rachel Pinker

February 11:
'"Blue Collar" Science and The Maryland State Implementation Plan for Air Quality'
Dr. Jeffrey W. Stehr
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Contact: Kayo Ide

February 4
Expansion of the World's Deserts due to Vegetation-Albedo Feedback Under Global Warming
Professor Ning Zeng
University of Maryland
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Contact: Kayo Ide


November 19
Considerations of Domain Size and Large-Scale Driving for Nested Regional Climate Models: Impact on Internal Variability and the Skill at Developing Small-Scale Details
Professor René Laprise
Université du Québec à Montréal
Contact: Hugo Berbery

November 12
Satellite Contributions to the Study of Global Change
Dr. Claire Parkinson
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Earth Observing System Project Science Office
Contact: Rachel Pinker

November 5
Ertel Potential Vorticity as a Diagnostic for the Mars Polar Vortex
Dr. Tim McConnochie
University of Maryland, Astronomy
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

October 29
Air Pollution and Adverse Respiratory Health Outcomes: How Does Epidemiology Work?
Professor Amir Sapkota

University of Maryland
School of Public Health
Contact: Russ Dickerson

October 22
Global and Regional Aerosol Variations During the EOS Satellite Era: An Analysis Using Data From Multiple Satellite Sensors and a Global Model
Dr. Mian Chin
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch
Contact: Rachel Pinker

October 15
The Amazonian Aerosol Characterization Experiment (AMAZE-08)
Professor Scot T. Martin

Harvard University
School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

October 8
3:30pm-3:35pm: Pre-seminar Presentation
Student Opportunities in the National Weather Association
Dr. Ralph Ferraro
National Weather Association
3:35pm-4:35pm: AOSC Seminar
Air Quality in Maryland: Progress Through Policy-Relevant Science
Professor Russell Dickerson
University of Maryland
Deparment of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Contact: Kayo Ide

October 1
Wind Wave Modeling at NCEP
Dr. Hendrik Tolman
Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch
Contact: Kayo Id

September 24
Aerosols Matter for Climate and Health. What We Remote Sensing Scientists Can Do to Help
Dr. Ralph Kahn
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Climate Branch
Contact: Rachel Pinker

September 17
Global Climate Change and Sahel Rainfall
Michela Biasutti
Columbia University
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Contact: Raghu Murtugudde

September 17
Global Climate Change and Sahel Rainfall
Michela Biasutti
Columbia University
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Contact: Raghu Murtugudde

September 10
The Hoax at the Equator that Elucidates Global Warming Controversies
Professor George Philander
Princeton University
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program
Contact: Sumant Nigam

September 3
Ozone Profile and Tropospheric Ozone Retrievals from Hyperspectral Backscattered Ultraviolet Measurements
Dr. Xiong Liu
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Goddard Earth Sciences & Technology Center
Contact: Russ Dickerson

May 14
Data Assimilation and Ensemble Forecasting at the Met Office: Current Status and Future Plan
Dr. Dale Barker

UK Met Office
Contact: Takemasa Miyoshi

May 7
The Threat to Polar Bears From Global Warming
Prof. Eric DeWeaver

University of Maryland
Contact: Sumant Nigam

April 30
Traveling Waves and Instabilities in the Martian Atmosphere
Dr. John Wilson

NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Contact: Kayo Ide

April 23
The Pleistocene Glacial Controversary and the Discovery of Climate Warming and Continental Dynamics
Prof. Paul Hoffman

Harvard University
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

April 22, Wednesday, 3:00pm-4:00pm
CSS 2324
On Initial Perturbations for Ensemble Prediction
Prof. Erland Källén
Stockholm University, Sweden
Contact: Kayo Ide

April 16
Turbulent Fluid Dynamics at the Margins of Rotational and Stratified Control: Submesoscale Fluid Dynamics in the Ocean
Prof. James C. McWilliams
University of California, Los Angeles
Contact: Kayo Ide

April 9
Predictability of Severe Weather at the Mesoscales
Prof. Fuqing Zhang

Penn State University
Contact: Kayo Ide

April 2
Inter- and intra-basin Freshwater Disparities and Global Ocean Thermohaline Circulation
Dr. Dan Seidov

NOAA Oceanic Climate Laboratory
Contact: Senya Grodsky

March 26
The Role of Tropospheric Ozone in Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate: New Insights from Satellites, Modeling and Assimilation
Dr. Kevin Bowman

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Contact: Kayo Ide

March 12
What Caused the Late 16th Century Drought Across Western North America?
Prof. Michael N. Evans

University of Maryland
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

March 5
MERRA Overview, Global Water and Energy Budgets and a Brief Demonstration
Dr. Michael Bosilovich

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Contact: Massimo Bollasina

February 27, Friday, 12:00pm-1:pm
CSS Room 2324
Moving Forward Following the Launch Failure of OCO
Ross Salawitch and Ben Johnson
University of Maryland
Contact: Ross Salawitch

February 26
Climate, Oceans, Global Warming, and Infectious Disease: The Cholera Paradigm
Prof. Rita Colwell
University of Maryland
Contact: Ragu Murtugudde

February 19
Atmospheric Bromine: Sources, Distribution, and Photochemistry
Prof. Ross Salawitch

University of Maryland
Contact: Ross Salawitch

February 12
Wind Power, Weather and Climate
Prof. Daniel Kirk-Davidoff

University of Maryland
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

February 5
SST Gradients, Boundary Layer Convergence and a Simple Model of Climatological Rainfall and Latent Heating Profiles over the Tropical Oceans
Dr. Larissa Back

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Contact: Sumant Nigam



December 11
(Almost) nine years of MODIS: What we are learning about global aerosol
Dr. Robert Levy

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

December 4
Stratosphere-Troposphere Dynamical Coupling and Tropospheric Predictability
Dr. Ed Gerber

Columbia University
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

November 20
Hurricanes in the Climate System
Prof. Kerry Emanuel

Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

Atmospheric self-cleansing capacity: clean air for all?
Dr. Jos Lelieveld

Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
Contact: Russ Dickerson

November 13
Impacts of Global Change on Regional Air Quality
Prof. Tracey Holloway

University of Wisconsin, Madison
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

November 6
Recent and Projected Future Behavior of Arctic Clouds
Dr. Steve Vavrus

University of Wisconsin, Madison
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

October 30
The Role of Moisture in the MJO
Prof. David Randall

Colorado State University
Contact: Sumant Nigam

October 23
The Incredible Shrinking Iguana: Galapagos, Gaia, and Hominid Evolution'
Prof. Ragu Murtugudde

ESSIC/AOSC, University of Maryland

October 16
Forced and Internal 20th Century SST Trends in North Atlantic: Attributions and Climate Impacts
Dr. Mingfang Ting

LDEO/Columbia University
Contact: Renu Joseph

October 9
Improving our understanding of Atlantic hurricanes through knowledge of the Saharan Air Layer: Hope or Hype?"
Dr. Scott Braun

Contact: Dalin Zhang

October 3, Friday, Noon
Special seminar, jointly held with the Atmospheric Chemistry Seminar Series in room CSS 3425
Status of Ensemble Forecasting at ECMWF: 32-day seamless probabilistic prediction
Dr. Roberto Buizza

Talks slides: PDF

October 2
Natural and forced modulation of ENSO in the GFDL CM2.1 coupled GCM
Dr. Andrew Wittenberg

NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab
Contact:Dan Kirk-Davidoff

September 25
Fears, Fantasies, and the Possibility of Climate Control: A useable history of climate engineering
Prof. James Fleming

Colby College
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

September 18
Impact of Climate Change on Global Viticulture
Prof. Anthony Busalacchi

ESSIC, U. Maryland

September 11
New Developments in Ensemble Kalman Filters
Prof. Eugenia Kalnay
AOSC, U. Maryland
Presentation (PDF)

September 4
The economics of climate change
Prof. Tom Schelling

Dep't. of Economics
University of Maryland

May 15
Coupled ocean-atmosphere breeding for ensemble forecasting and data assimilation
Dr. Shu-Chih Yanh

University of Maryland
Contact: Shu-Chih Yang

May 8
Rewriting History on Ice in the Arctic - Surprising Results from the Arctic Coring Expedition
Prof. Kristen St. John

James Madison University
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

May 1
What the ice ages are trying to tell us about climate sensitivity
Prof. Robert Toggweiler

Princeton University
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

April 24
PDFs of tropospheric humidity: Measurements and theory
Prof. Darryn Waugh

Johns Hopkins University
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

April 18 Note: Friday!
Global Warming and Atmospheric Brown Clouds: A Double Threat for Asia
Prof. V. Ramanathan

Contact:Zhanqing Li

April 17
The Tropical Warm Pool in a Warming World
Prof. Peter Webster

Georgia Tech
Contact:Sumant Nigam

April 10
Surface-based Remote Sensing of Aerosol Indirect Effects
Prof. Mark Miller

Rutgers University
Contact:Zhanqing Li

April 3
Elements of Climate Stabilization: The U.S. Climate Change Science Program Scenarios of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Atmospheric Concentrations
Dr. Leon Clarke

Contact: Eugenia Kalnay
His slides: PDF

March 27
Denitrification and anammox in the Arabian Sea
Prof. Bess Ward

Princeton University
Contact: Raghu Murtugudde

March 13
Daily Optimum Interpolation Analysis for Sea Surface Temperature
Dr. Thomas Smith

Satellite Climate Studies Branch, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR and ESSIC/CICS
Abstract Contact: Rachel Pinker

Friday March 7
Cloud-aerosol-precipitation processes as revealed by the A-Train
Prof. Graeme Stephens

Colorado State University
Contact: Zhanqing Li

Thursday March 6
Dynamical Polar Warming Amplification and a New Cliamte Feedback Analysis Framework
Prof. Ming Cai

Florida State University
Abstract Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

February 21

Dr. Andrew Tangborn
Contact: Dale Allen

February 18
Note: 11 am Monday, in Room 3425

Predictability of a large-scale flow conducive to extreme precipitation over western Alps
Dr. Federico Grazzini

ARPA-Servizio IdroMeteorologico, Bologna, Italy
Contact: Istvan Szunyogh

February 14
Simulation and Assimilation of Denmark Strait Overflow
Prof. Tom Haine

Johns Hopkins University
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

February 7
The Fronts are Moving! The Fronts are Moving!
Prof. Robert Hudson

University of Maryland
Contact: Robert Hudson

January 31
Recent advances in the WRF model and applications to convection-resolving forecasting
Dr. Joe Klemp

National Center for Atmospheric Research
Contact: Dalin Zhang

January 17
Ocean Viscosity and Climate
Dr. Markus Jochum

National Center for Atmospheric Research
Contact: Raghu Murtugudde


December 6
"The Orbiting Carbon Observatory"
Prof. Ross Salawitch

University of Maryland

November 29
From the Laboratory to the Storm Environment: Integrating Observations and Models of Rainfall Microphysics
Prof. Ana Barros

Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Duke University
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

November 15
Regional radiative forcing vs regional climate response: Implications for science and for environmental policy
Dr. Hiram Levy

NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Contact: Russ Dickerson

November 8
"Hadley circulation and monsoon dynamics."
Prof. Tapio Schneider

Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

November 1
Self-maintaining jets and subtropical drying in the greenhouse
Prof. Walter Robinson

NSF/University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

October 25
Weather by the Numbers: The Development of NWP in the Mid-Twentieth Century
Prof. Kristine Harper

Humanities Department, New Mexico Tech
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

October 18
"Climate change in the Sahel"
Dr. Alessandra Giannini

IRI for Climate and Society/Columbia University
Contact: Ernesto Munoz

October 11
Tropical and Subtropical Salinity and Hydrologic System Variability During the Late Quaternary
Prof. Howard Spero

Department of Geology, U.C. Davis
Contact: Ning Zeng

October 4
Examples of Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation in Oceanography
Dr. Ibrahim Hoteit

Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Contact:Eugenia Kalnay

September 27
Africa's role in global water and carbon cycles: Diagnosing ecosystem processes and connections to climate
Dr. Christopher Williams

Contact: Ning Zeng

September 20
Observing System Experiments using NCEP Operational Data Assimilation Systems
Mr. James Jung

Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

September 13
Modeling Marine Microbial Communities
Dr. Mick Follows

Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Contact: Ragu Murtugudde:

September 6
From Physics to Fish: Nature's rules and biological loopholes
Prof. Ragu Murtugudde

Dep't. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
University of Maryland

May 24
Overview of the EAST-AIRE experiment
Prof. Zhanqing Li

University of Maryland

May 17
The use of spectral zenith radiance measurements to better understand cloud-radiation processes
Dr. Warren Wiscombe


May 10
Prof. Alex Hall
A Strategy to Reduce the Persistent Spread in Projections of Future Climate

University of Calfornia at Los Angeles

April 26
The Eugene Rasmusson Symposium at the 2007 AMS Annual Meeting: Gene's Hydroclimate Legacy
Prof. Sumant Nigam

University of Maryland, College Park
Contact: Sumant Nigam

April 19
The Origins of ITCZ, Monsoon and Monsoon Onset
Dr. Winston Chao

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

April 12
History of Numerical Weather Forecasting
Prof. Kristine Harper

New Mexico Tech
Contact:Dan Kirk-Davidoff

April 5
The Impact of Tropical Indian Ocean Warming on Southern Hemisphere Polar Climate
Dr. Judith Perlwitz

NOAA Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Contact:Dan Kirk-Davidoff

March 29
Tropical influences on the hydroclimate and vegetation of Central and Southwest Asia
Prof. Matt Barlow

U. Mass Lowell
Contact: Sumant Nigam

March 15
SO2 over China detected with EOS Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument and aircraft in-situ measurements
Dr. Nickolay A. Krotkov

Contact: Zhanqing Li

March 8
Linking Landscape and Water Quality in the Mississippi River Basin for 200 years
Prof. R. Eugene Turner

Louisiana State University
Contact: Daniel Kirk-Davidoff

March 1
The Global Aerosol System as Viewed by MODIS Today
Dr. Lorraine Remer

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Contact: Zhanqing Li

February 22
Causes and Impacts of the 2005 Amazon Drought
Prof. Ning Zeng

University of Maryland
Contact: Ning Zeng

February 15
Tracking the sources of stratospheric water: new measurements of isotopic markers of deep convection
Dr. Elizabeth Moyer

Harvard University
Contact:Dan Kirk-Davidoff

February 8
Climate Change Technology Research: Do we need a Manhattan Project for the Environment?
Mr. Lee Lane

Climate Policy Center
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

February 1
Hybrid Variational/Ensemble Data Assimilation
Dr. Dale Barker

National Center for Atmospheric Research
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

Friday, January 12 at 11 am in CSS 3425
Impact of climate change on the water cycle in West Africa:
Numerical modelling and uncertainty
Dr. Tristan d'Orgeval

Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique du C.N.R.S.
Contact: Hugo Berbery



December 7
Sensitivity study of T2m and precipitation forecasts to soil moisture initial condition using NCEP WRF ensemble system
Dr. Jun Du

PowerPoint Slides of Talk

Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

November 30
Stratosphere-troposphere Interactions Forced by Variations in Snow Extent
Prof. Paul Kushner

University of Toronto
Contact: Sumant Nigam

November 16
Human impacts on atmospheric deposition of iron
Dr. Natalie Mahowald

National Center for Atmospheric Research
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

November 9
"How do "greenhouse" Climates Work?"
Prof. Matthew Huber

Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Purdue University
Relevant Paper
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

November 2
"NCEP Update: Review of Progress in Operational Weather, Climate and Ocean Forecasts"
Dr. Louis Uccellini

Slides from the Talk
Movie 1
Movie 2

Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

October 26
"Diagnosing Climate Model Fidelity"
Prof. Daniel Kirk-Davidoff

University of Maryland

October 19
"The mesoscale dynamics associated with fire-atmosphere interactions"
Dr. Jay Charney

USDA Forest Service
Contact: Daniel Kirk-Davidoff

October 12
"Indian Ocean Climate Variability of Relevance to Biogeochemistry"
Prof. Ragu Murtugudde
University of Maryland, College Park

October 5
"Recent Changes in Arctic-Atlantic Climate"
Dr. Helge Drange

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Norway
Contact: Emily Becker

September 25
"Understanding the Land-Cloud-Atmosphere Interaction"
Dr. Alan Betts

Atmospheric Research
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

September 21
"Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System in Spain"
Dr. Jose Garcia-Moya

National Institute of Meteorology, Spain
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

September 7
"The Tropical Pacific Meridional Mode and ENSO-like Decadal Variability"
Prof. Dan Vimont

Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Contact: Sumant Nigam

June 16
Special Time: 1:30 pm Friday
Cegeon Chan
M.I.T. Contact: Ferdinand Baer

May 11
Explosive cyclogenesis over western Pacific: Impacts of upstream wave packets
Edmund Chang
The Institute for Terrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres
SUNY Stony Brook
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

May 4
Mechanisms for decadal changes in ENSO
Dr. Rong-Hua Zhang

Contact: Rong-Hua Zhang

April 27
When will the Antarctic ozone hole recover?
Dr. Paul Newman

Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

April 20
Hydroclimate Variability over the Great Plains in Observations, Reanalyses, and Model Simulations
Prof. Sumant Nigam
Contact: Sumant Nigam

March 30
Changing Characteristics of Hurricanes in a Warming World
Dr. Greg Holland

Mesoscle and Microscale Modelling Division
Contact: Da-Lin Zhang

March 16
The Global Carbon Cycle: A Faustian Bargain?
Prof. Berrien Moore

Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space
University of New Hampshire
Contact: Antonio Busalacchi

March 9
Dynamics of the (so-called) North Atlantic Oscillation and (so-called) Annular Modes
Prof. Geoff Vallis

Department of Geosciences
Princeton University
Contact: Roxana Wajsowicz

March 2
Detection and attribution of regional climate change
Prof. David Karoly
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma
Relevant Paper
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

February 16
Direct estimation of midlatitude stratosphere-troposphere mass exchange using an advection-diffusion method
Prof. Noboru Nakamura

Dept. of Geosciences
University of Chicago
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

February 9
What controls the cross-tropopause transport of water vapor and CO over the Asian monsoon/Tibetan Plateau? - A preliminary investigation based on Aura and other A-train observations
Prof. Rong Fu

Dept. of Atmospheric Science
University of Georgia
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

February 8 (Wednesday), 10:00 in Room CSS 2324
Accounting for an imperfect model in 4D-Var
Dr. Yannick Trèmolet

Contact: Istvan Szunyogh

February 7 (Tuesday), 3:30 in Room CSS 2428
A consistent theory for linear waves of the Shallow Water Equations on a rotating plane in mid-latitudes
Prof. Nathan Paldor

Dept. of Atmospheric Science
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Relevant Paper
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

February 2 at 3:20
Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange Trend From Changing Sea-Surface Temperatures
Dr. Mark Olsen

Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

January 25
Special Seminar: Wednesday at 3:30 pm
Understanding Processes and Uncertainties in Atmospheric Modeling: The Global Modeling Initiative
Prof. Jose Rodriguez
U. Miami and NASA/Goddard
Contact: Russell Dickerson

January 19
Special Time: 2 pm
Stratospheric Clouds: The Meteorology, Marvels, and Mysteries Mr. Mike Fromm
Naval Research Lab
Contact: Zhanqing Li


December 19
Special Time: 11 am, rm. 3425
Ensemble Data Assimilation with the NCEP GFS
Dr. Jeff Whitaker

Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

December 8
The signature of global warming and Pacific pan-decadal variability in the observed and reanalyses fields
Dr. Jonathan Chen
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center
University of Maryland, College Park
Contact: Jonathan Chen

December 1
Location: Chemistry Building, Room 1407 Time: 7 pm Seminar, 8 pm Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate in the "Anthropocene"
Prof. Paul Crutzen

Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
Contact: Russ Dickerson

November 17
Air-sea CO2 flux response to climate variability on seasonal, interannual and decadal timescales
Prof. Galen McKinley

Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

November 10
The West African Monsoon System: 20th Century Simulation and 21st Century Prediction
Prof. Kerry Cook

Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Cornell University
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

November 3
What can biogeochemical tracers tell us about pathways of ocean ventilation?
Dr. Anand Gnanadesikan

Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

October 31, Monday 11:30 am, Room 3425
"The Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter: Recent development and preliminary results"
Milija Zupanski

CIRA/Colorado State University
Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

October 27
Global Changes of the Water Cycle Intensity
Michael Bosilovich

Contact: Roxana Wajsowicz

October 21 Friday, 3 pm
'Issues in Modeling the Aerosol Effects on Climate'
Dr. Chul Chung

Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Contact: Sumant Nigam

October 20 2:30 pm in CSS 2324
"Partitioning of poleward heat transport between the atmosphere and ocean"
Prof. John Marshall

Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
Contact: Roxana Wajsowicz

October 13
"Atmospheric Aerosols: Formation, Aging, and Interaction with Cloud- Climate"
Prof. Renyi Zhang

Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Texas A&M
Relevant Paper 1
Relevant Paper 2

Contact: Zhanqing Li

October 6
"Air Pollution: Science, Impacts and Policy"
Prof. Denise Mauzerall

Woodrow Wilson School
Princeton University
Contact: Russ Dickerson

September 29
'A parametric view of climate and low-frequency variability'
Prof. Sukyoung Lee

Dept. of Meteorology
Pennsylvania State University
Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

September 22
"A Global Convection Circulation Paradigm for the Annular Mode"
Prof. Ming Cai

Dept. of Meteorology
Florida State University
Relevant Paper 1
Relevant Paper 2

Contact: Eugenia Kalnay

September 15
"Prospects for Passive Precision Measurement of CO2 column from Space"
Dr. Bill Heaps

Contact: Dan Kirk-Davidoff

September 9 (Friday), 3 pm
Note Special Day and Time
"Tropical rainfall impacts under global warming"
Prof. David Neelin

Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
University of California, Los Angeles
Relevant Paper
Contact: Ning Zeng

May 12
Use of AIRS/AMSU data for weather and climate studies
Dr. J. Susskind

May 5
Satellite Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Conditions Hazardous to Aviation
Dr. Gary Ellrod


April 28
"Hyperspectral Infrared Remote Sensing Research and Development Activities at NESDIS"
Dr. Mitchell D. Goldberg


April 21
"Constraining the Missing CO2 Sink"
Dr. Randy Kawa

Contact: Ning Zeng

April 14
"The Global Carbon Cycle: an Introduction"
Ning Zeng

Dept. of Meteorology
University of Maryland
Contact: Ning Zeng

April 7
"Predictability of Climate: Why Do Climate Model Sensitivities to Doubled CO2 Differ?"
Prof. Ed Schneider

George Mason University and COLA

March 31
"Evidence of Land-Atmosphere Feedback in the Observational Record"
Dr. Randal Koster

March 17
"Representing Extreme Behavior in Climate Models"
Dr. Jim Kinter

March 10
"Smoke Gets in Your Eyes"
Dr. Peter Colarco

University of Maryland

March 3
"Forecasting Extremes in the Indian Ocean Sector Climate"
Dr. Roxana Wajsowicz

Dept. of Meteorology
University of Maryland

February 24
" Prospects for Passive Precision Measurement of CO2 column from Space"
Dr. Bill Heaps


February 17
"Paleoclimate: An Introdution"
Prof. Dan Kirk-Davidoff

Dept. of Meteorology
University of Maryland

February 10
"Characterization and High Resolution Numerical Simulations  of Stratospheric Clear Air and Optical Turbulence "
Prof. Alex Mahalov

Arizona State University

February 3
"The Total Ozone Record as a Diagnostic of Decadal Climate Change"
Prof. Bob Hudson

Department of Meteorology
University of Maryland


December 9
Special Seminar
"Air Quality and Climate Change"
Prof. Mario Molina

MIT, Nobel Laureate of Chemistry

December 2
Rapid Intensification of Hurricane Charlie (2004) Observed by Coastal WSR-88Ds
Dr. Wenchau Lee


November 18
Including Land in Climate Models
Robert E. Dickinson

Georgia Institute of Technology
Contact: Ning Zeng

November 11
"Diagnosing Ocean Transport Pathways and Timescales From Tracers"
Prof. Tom Haine

Johns Hopkins University

November 4
"Corals, Coccoliths, and CO2: The Role of Carbonate Cycling in the Earth System"
Dr. Andy Ridgwell

University of British Columbia

October 28
Why is the climate change debate so confusing?
Dr. Andy Dessler

ESSIC and Department of Meteorology
University of Maryland

October 21
The impact of large-scale wind farms on climate
Prof. Daniel Kirk-Davidoff

Department of Meteorology
University of Maryland

October 14
Suppression of Deep Convection by Saharan Air Layer over the Tropical North Atlantic
Dr. Sun Wong

ESSIC, University of Maryland

October 7
"Reforecasts, an Important New Data Set for Improving Weather-Climate Predictions"
Drs. Tom Hamill and Jeff Whitaker

NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center
Boulder, Colorado

September 30
"Geological Perspective on Global Warming"
Prof. George Philander

Department of Geological Sciences
Princeton University

September 23
"Regional Air Pollution Potential"
Dr. Mark Lawrence

Department of Airchemistry/NWG
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry

September 16
"The Discovery of Global Warming"
Dr. Spencer Weart

Center for History of Physics
American Institute of Physics

September 9
"The Internal Variability of the Tropical Oceans"
Prof. Ragu Murtugudde

ESSIC and Department of Meteorology
University of Maryland

May 6
Dr. Xuguang WangPenn State Ensemble Forecasting with the Ensemble Transform Kalman
Filter (ETKF)
Contact person: Dr. Istavan Szunyogh

April 29
Dr. Franco Enaudi
NASA/GSFC, Earth Science Directorate
Earth science research at NASA with an emphasis on research at the Goddard Space Flight Center
Contact person: Dr. Ning Zeng

April 22
Dr. Gerard Roe
University of Washington Characterization  of Millennial-Scale Climate Variability
Contact person: Prof. Dan Kirk-Davidoff

Special Joint Seminar --Meteorology/Geology/Geography/ESSIC
April 15
Dr. William Ruddiman University of Virginia
The Anthropogenic Greenhouse Era
Began Thousands of Years Ago
Contact person: Prof. Ning Zeng

April 8
Dr. Ning Zeng
Meteorology and ESSIC, U Maryland, College Park
How strong is carbon-climate feedback under global warming?
Contact person: Dr. Ning Zeng

April 1
Dr. Jonathan Adams
Environmental Science and Ecology, Providence, Rhode Island
Patterns in tree species richness and the glacial extinction hypothesis
Contact person: Dr. Ning Zeng

March 18
Dr. Elizabeth NorthUniversity of Maryland, Center for Environmental Science, Horn Point Laboratory
Linking environmental variability to fish population
fluctuations using field and modeling approaches
Contact person: Prof. Eugenia Kalnay

March 11
Dr. Adam Sobel Lamont-Doherty
Observatory, Columbia University
The role of surface fluxes, cloud-radiative feedbacks, and ocean coupling in the tropical intraseasonal oscillation
Contact person: Dr. Ning Zeng

March 3
Special date: WendnsdayJoint Oceanographic Institute/USSAC
Distinguished Lecturers Series
Dr. Mitch LyleBoise State Univeristy
The Pacific Ocean and Climate Change, from Eocene Extreme Warmth to Pleistocene
Glacial Cycles
Contact person: Ms. Sandra Martinka

Feburary 19
Dr.Yoram KaufmanNASA/GSFC
Aerosol effect on climate  - the unique satellite vantage point
Contact person: Dr. Z. Li

Feburary 12
Dr. Vernon Kousky
Prediction Center The Recent Evolution of the ENSO cycle
Contact person: Prof. O. Thompson

Feburary 5
Dr. Devara
Atmospheric Aerosol Research Activity at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
(IITM), Pune, India
Contact person: Prof. R. Pinker

January 29
Dr. Zhanqing Li
Departmentof Meteorology, University of Maryland
Cloud Absorption Anomaly: An Overview and Update
Contact person: Prof. Ning Zeng


December 11
Dr. Alfredo Ruiz-Barradas
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
Interannual Variability of Warm-Season Rainfall over the US Great Plains in NCAR/CAM2.0 and NASA/NSIPP Simulations
Contact person: Dr. Sumant Nigam

December 4
Dr. Mick Follows
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Modulation of atmospheric CO2 by the oceans subtropical thermocline
Contact person: Dr. Raghu Murtugudde

November 20
Dr. Bernard Dugas
Numerical Prediction Research Division, Atmospheric Environment Service
Results from the Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) model at RPN
Contact person: Dr. Michael Fox-Rabinovitz

November 13
Dr. William Lau
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Precipitation-Aerosol-Clouds interactions and Climate Change
Contact person: Dr. Ning Zeng

November 7, 3:30 pm
Room 2400
Dr. Michael Ghil
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, and University of California, Los Angeles
Interannual Variability of the Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation: A New Source of Climate Predictability?
Contact person: Dr. Eugenia Kalnay

October 30
Dr. Andrew Robertson
International Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI)
Downscaling of seasonal rainfall predictions over NE Brazil using a Hidden Markov Model
Contact person: Dr. Hugo Berbery

October 23
Dr. J. Shukla
George Mason University and
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
The Walker Family: ENSO, Monsoon and the Indian Ocean "dipole"
Contact person: Dr. E. Kalnay

October 16
Dr. Paul Dirmeyer
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
Global soil wetness products: What can we believe?
Contact person: Dr. Ning Zeng

October 9
Dr. Larrabee Strow
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Early observations from the Advanced Infrared Sounder on Aqua
Contact person: Dr. Andrew Dessler

October 2
Dr. Raghu Murtugudde
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), University of Maryland
'Bio-Climate Feedbacks: Towards an Earth System Model?
Contact person: Dr. Hugo Berbery

September 25
Dr. Jose Rodriguez
RSMAS, University of Miami
NASA's Global Modeling Initiative and the "Science of Assessment"
Contact person: Dr. Tony Busalacchi

September 18
Dr. J. Marshall Shepherd
Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA
Can Cities Make Their Own Rainfall?: Recent Insights from new NASA Research -
Contact person: Ms. Melanie Follette

September 11
Dr. Istvan Szunyogh; coauthors: E. Kostelich, B. Hunt, E. Ott, E. Kalnay, G Gyarmati, D.J. Patil, J. Yorke and A. Zimin
Institute for Physical Science and Technology and Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
A Local Ensemble Kalman Filter for the NCEP Global Forecast System
Contact person: Dr. Eugenia Kalnay

September 4
Dr. Konstantin Vinnikov and Norman Grody (NESDIS/NOAA)
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
Warming Trend in Satellite Observed Globally Averaged Tropospheric Mean Temperature
Contact person: Dr. Hugo Berbery

May 15
Dr. Arnold Gordon
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory - Columbia University
The Coolness of the Indonesian Throughflow
Contact person: Dr. Roxana Wajsowicz

May 9 at 11:00 am
Special seminar
Rm 3425 CSS
Renu Joseph
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois
Stationary wave response to climate change in a coupled GCM
Contact person: Dr. Sumant Nigam

May 8
Dr. Dmitri Chalikov
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center - University of Maryland
Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. Revision and application to parameterization of mixing in upper ocean
Contact person: Dr. Hugo Berbery

May 1
Dr. David Considine
NASA Langley Research Center
When are we going to get there? Problems in predicting the recovery of the stratospheric ozone hole
Contact person: Dr. Andrew Dessler

April 24
Dr. James Carton
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
SODA POP -- a reanalysis of ocean climate
Contact person: Dr. Da-Lin Zhang

April 17
Dr. Jim Collatz
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Interannual variability of the terrestrial carbon cycle
Contact person: Dr. Ning Zeng

April 10
Dr. Winston T. Luke
NOAA/Air Resources Laboratory (R/ARL)
BRACE - Bay Region Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment: Overview and some early results
Contact person: Dr. Russ Dickerson


April 3
Dr. Ming Cai
Department of Meteorology - University of Maryland
Dynamical Implications of Atmospheric Eddies' Orientation
Contact person: Dr. Eugenia Kalnay

March 20
Dr. Siegfried Schubert
The Earth Sciences Directorate at NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
The Impact of ENSO on Extreme Winter Weather over the United States
Contact person: Dr. Tony Busalacchi

March 13
Dr. Robert Atlas
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
The Impact of Scatterometer Observations on Weather Prediction
Contact person: Dr. Hugo Berbery

March 6
Dr. Mike Spall
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Deep convection east of Greenland: Atmospheric forcing and oceanic response
Contact person: Dr. Roxana Wajsowicz

February 27
Professor Shoshiro Minobe
Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Hokkaido University
Regime shifts, pentadecadal and bidecadal oscillations over the North Pacific
Contact person: Dr. Roxana Wajsowicz

February 20
Dr. Oleg Dubovik
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center - GEST Center/UMBC
Inversion of Spectral Aerosol Optical Thickness & Sky Radiance to Derive Aerosol Optical and Microphysical Properties from AERONET
Contact person: Dr. Rachel Pinker

February 13
Dr. Andrew Dessler
Department of Meteorology and Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)- University of Maryland
New developments in understanding troposphere-to-stratosphere transport: Isotopes and seasonal cycles
Contact person: Dr. Ferd Baer

February 6
Dr. Fu-Lung Chang
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)- University of Maryland
Validation of a new cloud microphysical retrieval scheme applied to MODIS data
Contact person: Dr. Zhanqing Li

January 30
Dr. Bill Stockwell
Office of Weather and Air Quality NOAA/OAR
Mesoscale Air Quality Modeling of Ozone and Aerosol
Contact person: Dr. Russ Dickerson


December 5
Dr. Alfredo Ruiz-Barradas
Department of Meteorology - University of Maryland
Seasonal moisture flux variability over North America in AMIP simulations and atmospheric reanalyses
Contact person: Dr. Sumant Nigam

November 21
Dr. Jorge Sarmiento
Princeton University
Response of ocean biology to global warming
Contact persons: Dr. Tony Busalacchi -- Dr. Raghu Murtugudde

November 14
Dr. Annarita Mariotti
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) - University of Maryland
Variability of the Euro-Mediterranean water cycle
Contact person: Dr. Tony Busalacchi 


November 7
Dr. Ray Hoff
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Towards a global lidar observing capability
Contact person: Dr. Russ Dickerson

October 31
Dr. Omar Torres
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology at UMBC
The use of ultraviolet observations to measure aerosol absorption from space
Contact person: Marcos Andrade

October 24
Dr. Barry Klinger
George Mason University and COLA
Remote wind-driven overturning in the absence of the Drake Passage Effect
Contact person: Roxana Wajsowicz

October 17
Dr. Kuo-Nan Liou (Chair)
Department of Atmospheric Sciences - University of California at Los Angeles
Remote Sensing of Cirrus Clouds: A Global Perspective and Global Implication
Contact person: Dr. Zhanqing Li

October 10
Dr. Wei-Kuo Tao
Laboratory for Atmospheres - NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center 
Convective Systems over the South China Sea: Cloud-Resolving Model Simulations
Contact person: Dr. Sumant Nigam

October 3
Drs. Mozheng Wei and Zoltan Toth
Environmental Modeling Center, NCEP/NOAA
Explaining Forecast Errors by Ensemble Perturbations
Contact person: Dr. Eugenia Kalnay

September 26
Drs. Raghu Murtugudde, Joel Picaut, Eric Hackert, Tony Busalacchi and Gary Lagerloef
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)- University of Maryland
Mechanisms of the 1997-98 El Niño-La Niña Observed From Space
Contact person: Dr. Tony Busalacchi

September 19
Dr. Peter Yau
Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences - McGill University
Title: Spiral bands in a simulated hurricane
Contact person: Dr. Da-Lin Zhang

September 12
Dr. Vladimir Krasnopolsky
Environmental Modeling Center NWS/NCEP/NOAA (SAIC)
Introduction to Neural Networks with Some Atmospheric and Oceanic Applications
Contact person: Dr. Michael Fox-Rabinovitz

September 5
Dr. Eugenia Kalnay, the Chaos Group and Malaquias Peña
Department of Meteorology/IPST - University of Maryland
Breeding, Predictability and Data Assimilation
Contact person: Dr. Hugo Berbery

May 16
Dr. John Derber
Environmental Modeling Center/NCEP/NOAA
The trials and tribulations of data assimilation
Contact person: Eugenia Kalnay

May 9
Dr. Roseanne Diab
University of Natal, Durban, South Africa
Tropospheric Ozone over Africa
Contact person: Anne Thompson

May 6 at 1:00 pm
Room 2428
Dr. Istvan Szunyogh
IPST, The University of Maryland
The dynamical foundation of targeting weather observations
Contact person: Ferd Baer

May 3 at 11:00 am
Room 3425
Dr. Baijun Tian
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Tropical Cloud Radiative Forcing and the Hadley/Walker Circulation
Contact person: Sumant Nigam
Special seminar

May 2
Dr. Fu-Lung Chang
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) University of Maryland
Examining the cloud and radiation quantities derived from satellite observations
Contact person: Zanqing Li
Special seminar

May 1 at 12:00 pm
Room 2428
Dr. Ming Cai
Department of Meteorology, The University of Maryland
Dynamical fingerprint of climate variability and trend
Contact person: Ferd Baer

April 29 at 1:00 pm
Room 2428
Dr. Aiguo Dai
Diurnal Cycle in Observed and Model Simulated Precipitation
Contact person: Ferd Baer
Special seminar

April 25
Dr. Kenneth Mitchell
Environmental Modeling Center/NCEP/NOAA
Land surface modeling initiatives in the NCEP Eta mesoscale model and the Eta Data Assimilation System (EDAS)
Contact person: Hugo Berbery
Special seminar

April 18
Dr. Fuzhong Weng
Office of Research and Applications, NOAA/NESDIS and CICS/University of Maryland
Atmospheric and Surface Parameters Retrieved from Satellite Microwave Radiometry

April 16 at 4:30 pm
Dr. René Laprise
Regional Climate Modelling Laboratory, Université du Québec à Montréal
Testing the downscaling skill of nested Regional Climate Models: The Big-Brother experiment
Contact person: Hugo Berbery

April 11
Dr. Anwar Huq
Center of Marine Biotechnology - University of Maryland Biotech Institute
Vibrio cholerae and Cholera: Detection, Prediction & Prevention
Contact person: Tony Busalacchi
Special seminar

April 4
Dr. Georgyi Stenchikov
Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University
Arctic Oscillation response to the Mt. Pinatubo Eruption.
Contact person: Ken Pickering

March 21
Dr. Michael Ek
Environmental Modeling Center/NCEP/NOAA
Coupled land-atmosphere model evaluation and impact of soil moisture on cumulus initiation

March 14
Dr. Kamran Syed*, Arnold Gruber and Cheng-Zhi Zou
*Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
Computation of Global Moisture Flux, Flux Divergence and Residual Evaporation Using Diverse Data Products

March 7
Dr. George J. Huffman
Goddard Space Flight Center/NASA
Progress in Global Rainfall Estimates

February 28
Dr. Alan Robock
Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University
Volcanic Eruptions and Climate: Winter Warming and Summer Cooling

February 21
Dr. Keith Moore
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Phytoplankton Functional Groups and Oceanic Carbon Cycling

February 14
Dr. Tim DelSole
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
Optimal Persistence Patterns: An Approach to Predictability and Decadal Variability Theory

February 7
Dr. Victor Nikolaevskiy
Institute of Earth Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Modeling of Tornadoes by turbulence theory with eddy angular momentum

January 31
Drs. Jean-François Estrade and Joe Sela
Environmental Modeling Center/NCEP/NOAA
The NCEP global spectral model: New challenges in parallelization



December 6
Dr. Michael Fox-Rabinovitz
ESSIC/Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland and Data Assimilation Office, NASA/GSFC
Studying anomalous regional climate events with a variable-resolution stretched-grid GCM and Data Assimilation System

November 29
Dr. Roxana C. Wajsowicz
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
Determining the Circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea

November 15
Dr. Eric DeWeaver
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
Dynamics of the El Niño Anticyclones

November 8
Dr. Michael King
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Remote Sensing of Cloud, Aerosol, and Water Vapor Properties from MODIS

November 1
Dr. Aimé Fournier
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
Multiwavelet multiresolution adaptive spectral-element computation of shallow-water flow

October 26 at 11:00 am Rm 3425 CSS
Doug Wilson
Physical Oceanography in the Caribbean: Recent Programs and Observations

October 25
Dr. Xu Li
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
Satellite Data Assimilation in ECMWF Reanalysis
Special seminar

October 18
Dr. Randal Koster
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Impact of Land Processes on Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts

October 11
Drs. M. Corazza, E. Kalnay and D. J. Patil
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
Breeding and Data Assimilation

October 4
Dr. Steve Tracton
Environmental Modeling Center/NOAA/NWS/NCEP /
The NCEP/EMC Short Range Ensemble Forecast(SREF) System

September 27
Dr. David Stensrud
NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory
Value of Real-time Land Use Data in Numerical Weather Prediction

September 21 (FRIDAY)
Dr. Axel Kleidon
Department of Geography, University of Maryland
Growing deep: Model investigations into the role of deep rooted vegetation in the climate system

September 6
Dr. Konstantin Vinnikov
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
Trends in Statistical Moments of Climatic Indices. Seasonal and Diurnal Cycles in the Trends

June 28 at 3:30 pm
Rm 2400 CSS
Dr. Richard Kerr
Senior Writer for Science
How Science Becomes News?

May 31 at 3:30 pm
Rm 2400 CSS
Dr. Jeff Proehl
Dartmouth University
Wave Geometry and Equatorial Oceanic Instability
Special seminar

May 10
Prof. Roger Pielke Sr.
Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University
Missing links in multi-decadal regional and global climate prediction
Special seminar

May 8 at 3:00 pm
Rm 3425 CSS
Prof. Ray Najjar
Department of Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University
Modeling photochemistry in Sargasso Sea surface waters

May 4 at 1:00 pm Rm 3425 CSS
Dr. Sim Aberson
Hurricane Research Division/AOML/NOAA
Targeting dropwindsonde data to improve hurricane forecasts (1997-1998)
Special seminar

May 3
Dr. David P. Bacon
Director, Center for Atmospheric Physics/Science Applications International Corporation
OMEGA: Multiscale weather forecasting using adaptive unstructured grids
Special seminar

April 26
Dr. Eugene M. Rasmusson
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
On the trail of ENSO: Part I (1867-1969) A fascinating tale of scientific progress and missteps

April 19
Dr. Winston Chao
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
On the origin of monsoon and its onset

April 12
Dr. Michael Mishchenko
NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (New York)
Global climatology of aerosol properties over the ocean for the period of NOAA-9 observations based on two-channel AVHRR retrievals

April 5
Dr. Darryn W. Waugh
Department of Earth & Planetary Science, Johns Hopkins University
Intrusions into the tropical upper troposphere

March 29
Dr. Joe Friday
National Research Council
Policy Issues in the Practice of Meteorology

March 19 at 3:00 pm Rm 3425 CSS
Yoshiaki Takeuchi
Numerical Prediction Division, Japan Meteorological Agency
The variational assimilation system for global and mesoscale NWP model developed by JMA

March 15
Dr. Arnold Gruber
National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS)/NOAA
Recent results from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project
Special seminar

March 8
Dr. Ron McPherson
Executive Director of the American Meteorological Society
What's New with the American Meteorological Society

Mar. 2 at 12:00 pm Rm 3425 CSS
Dr. Brooke L. Hemming
Office of International Activities - Environmental Protection Agency
Thermodynamics of Aerosol-Phase Atmospheric Organics: Temperature and Humidity Effects

March 1
Dr. Peter M. Lyster
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)/ U. Maryland
High-end computing and Kalman filter development for data assimilation
Special seminar
(joint Atm. Chem. talks)

February 22
Dr. James Christian
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)/ U. Maryland
Biogeochemical modelling of the tropical Pacific Ocean

February 15
Dr. Alan K. Betts
Atmospheric Research
Contrasting the land-surface-atmosphere interaction at boreal latitudes and in the tropics

February 8
Dr. Zhaohua Wu
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
"Baking Bread": A Poor Chef's Recipe for Thermally Driven Circulations in the Tropics

February 1
Dr. Muthuvel Chelliah
Climate Prediction Center/National Centers for Environmental Prediction/NOAA
Interdecadal and ENSO related changes in tropical convection and associated global impacts



December 7
Dr. Eugene M. Rasmusson
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
On the trail of ENSO: Part I (1867-1969) A fascinating tale of scientific progress and missteps

December 4 at 3:30 pm
Rm 2114 CSS
Dr. N. H. Saji
Institute for Global Change Research, Frontier Research System for Global Change, Tokyo
A View of the Indian Ocean Climate System From the Vantage Point of Dipole Mode Events

November 30
Dr. Frank Evans
Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/ University of Colorado
Retrieving and simulating cloud fields from ARM radar observations
Special seminar (jointly sponsored with ESSIC)

November 16
Dr. Pao K. Wang
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Physical and Dynamical Processes at Cloud-top Level of Severe Thunderstorms

November 9
Dr. Ants Leetmaa
Climate Prediction Center - NOAA/National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Monitoring and Forecasting Drought

November 2
Dr. Ming Cai 
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland
A theory on prevailing easterlies and zonally tilted thermocline over equatorial Pacific and the accompanying ENSO variability

Oct. 31 at 11:00 am
Rm 3425 CSS
Dr. Hee-Sang Lee
Department of Meteorology/Florida State University
Improvement of initial state of clouds and its impact on cloud forecasts in the Florida State University Global Spectral Model

October 26
Dr. Robert Hudson
Department of Meteorology/University of Maryland
Detection of decadal climate change from the total Ozone record
Special seminar

October 19
Dr. Dennis Lettenmaier
Department of Civil Engineering - University of Washington
Challenges and opportunities in macroscale hydrology

Oct. 18 at 3:00 pm
Rm 3425 CSS
Dr. K. R. Saha
Former Director of the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
African Monsoons

Oct. 17 at 3:00 pm
Rm 3206 Math Bldg
Dr. Lennart Bengtsson
Director, Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology
Will extreme weather events become more common in a future climate?
Special seminar

October 12
Dr. Anne Thompson
NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center and Department of Meteorology/University of Maryland
Tropospheric Ozone Observations: An overview of recent advances
Special seminar

October 5
Drs. Ming Cai and Eugenia Kalnay
Department of Meteorology/University of Maryland
The growing errors in the Cane-Zebiak coupled ocean-atmosphere model

September 28
Dr. Dale J. Allen
Department of Meteorology/University of Maryland
Lightning and Atmospheric Chemistry as Simulated with a Global Chemical Transport Model

September 21
Dr. Jean Côté
Meteorological Service of Canada - Numerical Methods Group
Algorithmic developments around the Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) model

September 19
at 3:00 pm
Special seminar
Dr. Thomas Cuff
U.S. Naval Observatory - Washington, DC
Operational Weather and Oceanography in the U.S. Navy

September 14
Dr. Dmitri Chalikov
Ocean Modeling Branch - NOAA/National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Development of the Ocean Forecasting System for MPP computers

September 7
Drs. Ming Cai and Eugenia Kalnay
Department of Meteorology/University of Maryland
SEMINAR CANCELED - New date: October 5

July 24: 
Special seminar 
Dr. Istvan Szunyogh
NOAA/National Centers for Environmental Prediction
Relationship between atmospheric baroclinic waves and the impact of targetted observations

May 18    Empirical Orthogonal Teleconnections
Dr. Huug Van den Dool
Climate Prediction Center, NOAA/NCEP, Camp Springs, MD

May 12 (Friday) Special Seminar
Time: 10:00am;   Room: 3425    Location and intensity of the ITCZ: Effects of westward-propagating synoptic-scale disturbances
Prof. C. Zhang
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS), University of Miami, Miami, Florida

May 11
Time: 3:30pm    Aerosol effects on climate
Prof. John Seinfeld
Chair, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
(co-sponsored by the Department of Chemical Engineering)

May 5
(Friday) Special Seminar
Time: 3:30pm;   Room: 3425??    Farming strategies for variable climate--a challenge
Prof. Sulochana Gadgil
Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

May 4    Tornadogenesis within supercell storms
Prof. Roger Wakimoto
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, CA

May 1
(Monday) Special Seminar
Time: 3:30pm;   Room: 3425??    Direct and inverse methods for estimating influence areas for the atmosphere of a given region: Theory and numerical experiments
Prof. Gdaly Rivin
Head, Laboratory of the Modeling of Atmospheric Processes, Inst. of Computational Technologies, Novosibirsk, Russia

April 27    Predictability and the relationship between subseasonal and interannual variability during the Asian summer monsoon
Dr. Ken Sperber
Program for Climate Model Diagnostics and Intercomparison (PCMDI), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA

April 20    Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) prediction and predictability
Prof. Duane Waliser
Institute for Terrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres, State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook, New York

April 13    Variational data assimilation using quasi-inverse method: Application to storm-scale prediction
Dr. Seon Ki Park
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland

April 6    
Decadal Variability in the North Atlantic
Dr. Sirpa Hakkinen
Oceans & Ice Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland

March 30    
Convection and radiation in TOGA COARE: Implications for tropical atmospheric circulations
Prof. Richard Johnson
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

March 29
(Wednesday) Special Seminar
Time: 2:00pm;   Room: 3425    Investigation of surface and subsurface variability in the tropical Pacific using Cyclostationary EOF analysisd
Prof. Kwang-Yul Kim
Department of Meteorology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida

March 27
(Monday) Special Seminar
Time: 3:00pm;   Room: 3425??    A concept to find and verify the slow manifold using local and global models in climate integrations
Dr. Juergen Steppeler
DWD, Offenbach, Germany

March 16    
Trace gas observations during the 1999 Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX)
Dr. Armin Hansel
University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

March 9    
The Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX): Impact of continental emissions on the composition and radiative properties of the marine atmosphere
Prof. Russ Dickerson
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland, Colllege Park, Maryland

February 24    
Where does the rainwater come from? Applying a back-trajectory scheme to atmospheric water vapor
Dr. Paul Dirmeyer
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, IGES, Calverton, MD

February 17    
Recent innovations that enhance global and regional climate modeling
Prof. Ferdinand Baer
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

February 10    
The nonhydrostatic Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) Model
Dr. Kao-San Yeh
Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), University of Maryland, College Park, MD

February 3
Dynamical analysis of the Pacific/North American (PNA) Pattern of Winter Variability
Dr. Sumant Nigam
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland


 December 9
Oceanic normal modes and application to problems of ocean tides and circulation
Dr. D. B. Rao
Environmental Modeling Center, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA, Camp Springs, MD


December 8
(Wednesday) Special Seminar
Time: 3:30pm;   Room: 2114
(Classroom in OLD wing of CSS Bldg)    Global energy budgets of the atmosphere: Recent results from ERA and NCEP Reanalyses
Dr. Kevin Trenberth
Climate and Global Dynamics division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado

December 2
NCEP: Vision for 2000-2005 and related strategic issues
Dr. Louis Uccellini
Director, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA/NWS, Camp Springs, MD

November 18
Mesoscale modeling of orographic precipitation over the Pacific Northwest
Prof. Brian Colle
Institute for Terrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres, Marine Sciences Research Center
State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY

November 16
(Tuesday) Special Seminar
Time: 3:30pm;   Room: 3425    Atmospheric and Oceanographic Analyses and Forecasts for the Chesapeake Bay Region during the
Coastal Marine Demonstration Project
Dr. Frank Aikman III
Chief, Oceanographic Programs, Coast Survey Development Lab., National Ocean Service, NOAA, Silver Spring

November 11
Recent research in tropospheric chemistry
Prof. Daniel Jacob
Department of Chemistry, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

November 8
(Monday) Special Seminar
Time: 2:00pm;   Room: 3425    Disturbances of the summer monsoon over Australia
Dr. K. R. Saha
Former Director, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India

November 4
Wetter but Less Extreme: 20th Century Trends in Floods, Droughts, and Everything in Between
Dr. Harry Lins
Office of Surface Water, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia

October 28
Seasonal predictions with NASA/GEOS-2 general circulation model
Dr. Siegfried Schubert
Data Assimilation Office, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD

October 21
Magnetospheric Modeling for Space Weather
Prof. Konstantinos Papadopoulos
Departments of Physics and Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD

October 14
The Environmental Modeling Center: Present status and future plans
Dr. Steven Lord
Environmental Modeling Center, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA, Camp Springs, MD

October 7
Shortwave radiation absorption in clear and cloudy skies
Prof. Catherine Gautier
Director, Institute for Computational Earth System Science
University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA

September 30
Co-sponsored by ESSIC    Evaluating regional-scale photochemical models and using them for guiding emissions management
Prof. S. T. Rao
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, NY
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, State University of New York at Albany, NY

September 23
Tropical pipes and Taylor pipes, Baker's maps, random walks and eggbeaters: A survey of mixing and transport in the stratosphere
Dr. Lynn Sparling
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland

September 17
(Friday) Special Seminar
Time: 3:30pm;   Room: 3425    Satellite altimetry observations of the Black Sea
Dr. Gennady Korotaev
Deputy Director, Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Ukraine Academy of Science, Ukraine

September 16
Bio-optical Properties of the Marine Cyanobacteria Trichodesmium and its role in climate change
Dr. Ajit Subramaniam
Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD